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I was tired of some sound issues (3 diff sound cards and alsa was being a dirty slut) on my Arch desktop and I never took the time to set up all the various media comforts other than XMMS etc...
I'd heard some good things about Mepis and I must say it's definitely what I'd recommend to a first timer... it's quite impressive as far as install and user friendlyness goes... but the minute you want to delve into the actual workings, well it disgusted the crap out of me.
Gentoo was the distro that made me learn suffice it to say I don't think I ever got into a working gentoo DE, just trying to install it over and over let me learn the basics like how to bring eth0 up and down etc... And then Arch was where I actually got productive...
The only thing I was trying to do in Mepis was prevent a few modules from being loaded... Dear freaking Linux deity... why does it have to be so damn involved to edit a system's init? And if I want to revert to default? Lord... I'm fairly proficient with the CLI, but this was just ridiculous considering that my Noodle 7.1 disc was conveniently within eyeshot the entire time.
To Arch's rc.conf: I love you, I miss you, I'm sorry...
To Pacman: I'm prepared for you to mess me up once every 6 months... Thanks for the rock solid performance the rest of the time...
happens to all of us.
Hah, that's perfect. I distro hopped once, which arch still on one machine. That lasted about 3 days.
Arch has been on my laptop for over a year and I still haven't tried any thing else. Haven't even needed to re-install or anything!
Just keeps working...
Hah, that's perfect. I distro hopped once, which arch still on one machine. That lasted about 3 days.
Same here. Except it lasted about 2 hours for me.
To Arch's rc.conf: I love you, I miss you, I'm sorry...
To Pacman: I'm prepared for you to mess me up once every 6 months... Thanks for the rock solid performance the rest of the time...
Amen ... :mrgreen:
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I once hopped to Kanotix because all newer kernels on Arch couldn't get dhcp-offers anymore, what's really needed by me.
After a few weeks I messed up Kanotix (even if I really tried to solve all dependecy problems using aptitude) and reinstalled Arch - the dhcp-problem has been solved by the time. I'm really proud to say that my initial distro shuffle has found its end! Arch Linux just rocks!
Cheers Sigi
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.