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I am thinking of rebuilding a series of packages to include all the docs. Right now makepkg strips out a lot of the docs from the packages.
My plan is as follows:
1. Comment out the lines that strip docs from makepkg.
2. Run makeworld to rebuild packages.
I am still a little unsure how makeworld works. There is no man page. But you can get some info by running "makeworld --help" as follows:
bash-3.1$ makeworld --help
makeworld version 2.9.7
usage: /usr/bin/makeworld [options] <destdir> <category> [category] ...
-b, --builddeps Build missing dependencies from source
-c, --clean Clean up work files after build
-d, --nodeps Skip all dependency checks
-f, --force Overwrite existing packages
-i, --install Install package after successful build
-h, --help This help
-r, --rmdeps Remove installed dependencies after a successful build
-s, --syncdeps Install missing dependencies with pacman
-S, --sudosync Install missing dependencies with pacman and sudo
where <category> is one or more directory names under the FST root
eg: makeworld -c /packages base lib editors
this should be run from the toplevel directory of FST (usually /var/fst)
I don't understand the -r, -s options.
Does makeworld automatically download and install all missing dependencies for a build? Or do you have to tell it to do so with -s or -S options.
How does the -r option work?
If you're building on a really clean (ie, not many packages) system, then most packages will fail to build, erroring out with a "missing dependencies" error. The -s/-S option will take care of this for you, and the -r option will clean up afterwards, if you so choose.
Thanks. What is the advantage of using pacman/sudo (-S) versus just pacman (-s)?
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