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So I made a bootable iso file on my sd card with the dd command but apparently it is only 2GB big and the sd card is 32GB. A friend of mine said I should use mkpart to extend the partition and I found that the syntax was "mkpart part-type [fs-type] start end" I know the part type should be primary, but what is the filesystem type do I use and what do I put for the start and end? I know it should start at the point the current partition and end at the end of the disk.
It only really needs to be 2GB because that's what the iso is. You can always reformat later.
The best way as said by nagaseiori is to just keep your usb like that. But you could also make another partition, but that was before you issue dd. Then you could just dd the image into the partition, but i think you would have problems booting. If you really wanna try you could use simple partitions tools like gparted or cfdisk.
It only really needs to be 2GB because that's what the iso is. You can always reformat later.
Im using it for raspberry pi so I would like all my data on the same partition as the operating system but the operating system partition is only 2GB
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See, you're not Arch (i686 or x86-64) so that created confusion about what you wanted.
Im using Arch i686 to make a bootable sd card which I have but the size of it is only 2GB.
I will try using RPI-Wiggle
Once you have the bootable Raspberry system image you plug it into your Pi and extend the partition in that environment.
Thanks, Ill post my results
You can do this on your laptop/pc too, with gparted if you like.
First, resize extended partition to use all unallocated disk space.
Second, resize root partition, to use all that space just freed for extended.