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#1 2014-06-23 19:37:16

Registered: 2014-06-23
Posts: 3

[solved?] install arch 2014.06.01 hangs at root prompt on Yoga 2 Pro

using usb iso, set bios to allow and prioritize usb  boot, secure boot off;

1. select "Boot Menu" from Novo Button Menu that pops up.

2. select "USB HDD : SanDisk Cruzer" from Boot Options Menu (same things happen with USB ODD)

3. tab while "Boot Arch Linux (x8x_64)" is highlighted and append " acpi=off" to displayed boot cmd line {without this get continually repeating errors)

4. press enter and shortly arrive at shell prompt for root, but no key presses do anything

What can I do, or what am I doing wrong?

******************** 18 July 2014 ******************

sort of solved by omitting acpi=off, when one can blindly type commands into the firehose stream of error reports displayed.  If one also adds modprobe.blacklist=ideapad_laptop to the kernel boot line, then it is possible to establish a wireless internet connection, but I have not gotten farther, as it is excruciating.  By the way, when I did manage to get the wireless connection, it was by using the newer release iso, of 3 July, 2014.

This dilemma of either hanging completely or enduring entirely ecessive error messages was not mentioned in the reiviews I read of arch on the Yoga 2 Pro.  I believe they were reporting on versions of the install iso from around December 2013, so this problem may have been introduced since then.

Last edited by gmrosen (2014-07-18 14:13:47)


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