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Okay. I have successfully updated both of my machines to the new archck4-2 and udev 84 and everything seems to be working. The only remaining annoyance I have is that a lot of modules that I don't need are loading automatically, and when I say a lot, I mean about 100. It seems that I could blacklist them, but that is a bunch of work. Can't udev be more selective about what it is loading at boot?
Are you using a custom initramfs? Using one would remove some of these modules (mostly disk controllers and fs).
I did try making my own, but all those modules still got added. i tlooks like I woul have to manually exclude them, which is essentially the same amount of work as blacklisting them in rc.conf.
those tons of diskcontrollers are not loaded by udev, only to clarify this.
I have found autodetect to be working ok for me... got a very slim list of loaded modules.
Unfortunately, my full initramfs image doesn't work... it leads to a kernel panic (or something like that). I don't have time to investigate this. I will return with comments.
:: / my web presence
those tons of diskcontrollers are not loaded by udev, only to clarify this.
What is loading them then?
oggb4mp3: slim down your initramfs by configuring it in /etc/mkinitramfs.conf. … and_ArchCK
follow the instructions there to create a new initramfs, they're pretty simple, just make sure you get the right command and paths - they've changed slightly.
well, I didn't have a problem making a new initramfs, the problem was making it so all the unneeded modules didn't get loaded. iirc, using other distros that used initrd, all of these modules were available at boot, but they were only loaded if needed. Here they are all loaded if they are in the initramfs, which was causing me to have a mental block. Thanks for your help.
Pages: 1