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Hi,I have install the arch and archck kernel inside my laptop, it is a toshiba a70, with a radeon 9000 igp. i want to install the ati driver for it, but the repo happens to have two drivers for it, one for arch and one for archck. I wonder is it ok to install the two of them, or one should choose one. Thanks
I had to -Rs the stock ati-drivers to get the ck ones installed.
Maybe there is a workaround, but IMHO it'd be difficult.
Arch - Home sweet home
learner, I suppose you could install them both, but it would be really hackish... the packages don't list each other as conflicts. You'll have to force the second install, though, because it will try to install a ton of files the first one did...
If you do install them both, then make sure if/when you remove them, you also remove them both at once, otherwise things may get screwy.
Thanks for replying. One more question, does the two package configure themselves properly with the xorg config file and will they know which driver to load when boot up? Thanks
No, the packages do not auto-configure your xorg config for you. Check out the aticonfig utility installed with the packages.
Driver to load when you bootup is fglrx. Udev may or may not be able to auto-detect it; I don't know. I always just stick fglrx into my MODULES array.
and i have to load intel-agp before it or else suspend2 won't work correctly.
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein