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#151 2014-05-03 16:20:15

Registered: 2011-03-31
Posts: 436

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

My ratpoison configuration.


Source :  version.
To install: Open in emacs and type M-x org-babel-tangle or  C-c C-v t

Also you can copy it from here!

startup_message off

unmanage xmessage

set font "Anonymous Pro-13"
set bgcolor LightGray
set bargravity nw
set barpadding 5 0
set winliststyle row
set winfmt [%n] %s %t
set winname class
set wingravity c
set maxsizegravity c

set padding 0 0 0 0
set barborder 0
set border 0
set waitcursor 0
msgwait 3

# Rudeness is a bitwise or of the following values:
# 1 Transient windows may raise.
# 2 Normal windows may raise.
# 4 New transient windows end up in the foreground.
# 8 New normal windows end up in the foreground.
rudeness 12

addhook key banish
addhook switchwin info [%n] %t
addhook switchframe info [%n] %t

bind z windows
bind o only
bind u undo
bind d dedicate
bind g groups

bind W tmpwm calavera-wm

bind c exec screen -Q select 0; exec ~/bin/ratpoison/ URxvt 'urxvt'
alias emacs exec ~/bin/ratpoison/ Emacs 'emacsclient -ca emacs'
bind E emacs
alias escreen exec screen -Q select 1; exec ~/bin/ratpoison/ URxvt 'urxvt'
bind e escreen
alias conkeror exec ~/bin/ratpoison/ Conkeror 'conkeror'
bind w conkeror
bind m exec ratpoison -c "exec urxvt -e man $(ratpoison -c "prompt Manpage:")"
bind D exec ratpoison -c "echo `dropbox status`"
alias time exec /usr/share/ratpoison/
bind t time
bind I exec ~/bin/ratpoison/

alias screensaver exec ~/bin/system/
bind Pause screensaver

alias toggletouchpad exec ~/bin/system/touchpad_toggle
bind BackSpace toggletouchpad

alias ratshot exec import -window root png:$HOME/Pictures/Screenshots/ratpoison-$(date +%s)$$.png && ratpoison -c "echo Ratshot saved!"
definekey top Print ratshot

definekey root Escape abort

unbind k

definekey top XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer -q set PCM 5+ unmute; ratpoison -c "echo RaiseVolume +5"
definekey top XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer -q set PCM 5- unmute;  ratpoison -c "echo LowerVolume -5"
definekey top XF86AudioMute exec amixer -q set PCM toggle; ratpoison -c "echo [ MUTE ]"

definekey top XF86AudioPlay exec urxvt -e emacsclient -e "(emms-pause)"; ratpoison -c "echo toggle EMMS"
definekey top XF86AudioPrev exec urxvt -e emacsclient -e "(emms-previous)"; ratpoison -c "echo EMMS << Previous song"
definekey top XF86AudioNext exec urxvt -e emacsclient -e "(emms-next)"; ratpoison -c "echo EMMS >> Next song"

alias edit exec emacs $HOME/.ratpoisonrc
alias mail exec ~/bin/mail/
alias skype exec ~/bin/system/
alias enote exec emacsclient -c --eval '(deft)'
alias poweroff exec ~/bin/system/

exec urxvt -e screen -RD
exec conkeror

Last edited by ivoarch (2014-05-03 16:35:19)

I love GnuEmacs, GnuScreen, ratpoison, and conkeror.
Github )||( Weblog


#152 2014-05-20 21:28:12

From: Norway
Registered: 2009-10-11
Posts: 623

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

Two simple patches I use.

Ignore window size hints (to remove gaps with terminal windows - use this with rxvt-unicode-patched to avoid artifacts)

diff --git a/src/manage.c b/src/manage.c
index 412fc29..5dc13a9 100644
--- a/src/manage.c
+++ b/src/manage.c
@@ -714,17 +714,8 @@ maximize_normal (rp_window *win)
   /* Set the window's border */
   win->border = defaults.window_border_width;
-  /* Honour the window's maximum size */
-  if (win->hints->flags & PMaxSize)
-    {
-      maxx = win->hints->max_width;
-      maxy = win->hints->max_height;
-    }
-  else
-    {
       maxx = frame->width - win->border * 2;
       maxy = frame->height - win->border * 2;
-    }
   /* Honour the window's aspect ratio. */
   PRINT_DEBUG (("aspect: %ld\n", win->hints->flags & PAspect));
@@ -755,32 +746,6 @@ maximize_normal (rp_window *win)
       if (maxy > frame->height) maxy = frame->height - win->border * 2;
-  /* Make sure we maximize to the nearest Resize Increment specified
-     by the window */
-  if (win->hints->flags & PResizeInc)
-    {
-      int amount;
-      int delta;
-      if (win->hints->width_inc)
-        {
-          amount = maxx - win->width;
-          delta = amount % win->hints->width_inc;
-          if (amount < 0 && delta) amount -= win->hints->width_inc;
-          amount -= delta;
-          maxx = amount + win->width;
-        }
-      if (win->hints->height_inc)
-        {
-          amount = maxy - win->height;
-          delta = amount % win->hints->height_inc;
-          if (amount < 0 && delta) amount -= win->hints->height_inc;
-          amount -= delta;
-          maxy = amount + win->height;
-        }
-    }
   PRINT_DEBUG (("maxsize: %d %d\n", maxx, maxy));
   win->width = maxx;

No default key bindings (so you must set all bindings in your .ratpoisonrc)

diff --git a/src/actions.c b/src/actions.c
index 6dfe56f..05b5ab5 100644
--- a/src/actions.c
+++ b/src/actions.c
@@ -725,88 +725,6 @@ initialize_default_keybindings (void)
   /* Add the prefix key to the top-level map. */
   add_keybinding (prefix_key.sym, prefix_key.state, "readkey " ROOT_KEYMAP, top);
-  add_keybinding (prefix_key.sym, prefix_key.state, "other", map);
-  add_keybinding (prefix_key.sym, 0, "meta", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_g, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "abort", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_0, 0, "select 0", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_1, 0, "select 1", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_2, 0, "select 2", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_3, 0, "select 3", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_4, 0, "select 4", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_5, 0, "select 5", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_6, 0, "select 6", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_7, 0, "select 7", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_8, 0, "select 8", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_9, 0, "select 9", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_minus, 0, "select -", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_A, 0, "title", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_A, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "title", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_K, 0, "kill", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_K, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "kill", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Return, 0, "next", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Return, RP_CONTROL_MASK,   "next", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_a, 0, "time", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_a, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "time", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_b, 0, "banish", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_b, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "banish", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_c, 0, "exec " TERM_PROG, map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_c, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "exec " TERM_PROG, map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_colon, 0, "colon", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_exclam, 0, "exec", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_exclam, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "colon exec " TERM_PROG " -e ", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_i, 0, "info", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_i, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "info", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_k, 0, "delete", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_k, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "delete", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_l, 0, "redisplay", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_l, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "redisplay", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_m, 0, "lastmsg", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_m, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "lastmsg", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_n, 0, "next", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_n, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "next", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_p, 0, "prev", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_p, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "prev", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_quoteright, 0, "select", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_quoteright, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "select", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_space, 0, "next", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_space, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "next", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_v, 0, "version", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_v, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "version", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_V, 0, "license", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_V, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "license", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_w, 0, "windows", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_w, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "windows", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_s, 0, "split", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_s, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "split", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_S, 0, "hsplit", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_S, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "hsplit", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Tab, 0, "focus", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Tab, RP_META_MASK, "focuslast", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Left, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "exchangeleft", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Right, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "exchangeright", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Up, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "exchangeup", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Down, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "exchangedown", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Left, 0, "focusleft", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Right, 0, "focusright", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Up, 0, "focusup", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Down, 0, "focusdown", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_Q, 0, "only", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_R, 0, "remove", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_f, 0, "fselect", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_f, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "fselect", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_F, 0, "curframe", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_r, 0, "resize", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_r, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "resize", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_question, 0, "help " ROOT_KEYMAP, map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_underscore, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "undo", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_u, 0, "undo", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_u, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "undo", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_U, 0, "redo", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_x, 0, "swap", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_x, RP_CONTROL_MASK, "swap", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_N, 0, "nextscreen", map);
-  add_keybinding (XK_P, 0, "prevscreen", map);
   add_alias ("unbind", "undefinekey " ROOT_KEYMAP);
   add_alias ("bind", "definekey " ROOT_KEYMAP);
   add_alias ("split", "vsplit");


#153 2014-05-21 04:21:44

Registered: 2011-03-31
Posts: 436

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

The size hints patch is very useful!

I love GnuEmacs, GnuScreen, ratpoison, and conkeror.
Github )||( Weblog


#154 2014-06-01 00:59:57

Registered: 2011-03-31
Posts: 436

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

JohannesSM64 wrote:

patches I use.

Ignore window size hints (to remove gaps with terminal windows - use this with rxvt-unicode-patched to avoid artifacts)

I have created a aur package (ratpoison-patched-git) that includes your Ignore window size hints patch.
I found it very useful smile

Thanks again!!

I love GnuEmacs, GnuScreen, ratpoison, and conkeror.
Github )||( Weblog


#155 2014-06-06 21:33:27

From: Russia
Registered: 2014-06-06
Posts: 3

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

My ratpoison setup.

You can check this config at or copy from here.

# settings
escape C-x
startup_message off
set framesels 123456789
set padding 0 14 0 0
set barpadding 0 0
set barinpadding 0
set border 2
set fwcolor white
set font Terminus:style=bold:size=14
exec /usr/bin/rpws init 9 -k

# aliases
alias grid exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "only" -c "hsplit" -c next -c "vsplit" -c next -c "focusright" -c next -c "vsplit" -c "next"
alias xpaste meta S-Insert
alias colonterm colon exec x-terminal-emulator -e
alias execterm exec x-terminal-emulator -e
alias togglebarhide exec xdotool key --window $(xdotool search --class dzen) b

# keybindings
unbind s
unbind C-s
unbind M-Tab
unbind 4
unbind 5
unbind 6
unbind 7
unbind 8

# applications
bind I colonterm sudo pacman -S 
bind S colonterm ssh 
bind M colonterm man 
bind C-l exec slock
bind F10 execterm mcabber
bind F11 execterm mocp
bind F12 execterm mc
bind H execterm htop
bind C execterm vim ~/.ratpoisonrc
bind backslash exec rp-moc

# wm bindings
bind k delete
bind K kill
bind 0 remove
bind 1 only
bind 2 vsplit
bind 3 hsplit
bind o focus
bind O focusprev
bind R restart
bind M-r source /home/halo/.ratpoisonrc
bind C-y getsel
bind y xpaste
bind 9 exec
bind semicolon colonterm  
bind F1 exec rpws 1
bind F2 exec rpws 2
bind F3 exec rpws 3
bind F4 exec rpws 4
bind F5 exec rpws 5
bind F6 exec rpws 6
bind F7 exec rpws 7
bind F8 exec rpws 8
bind F9 exec rpws 9
bind Q quit
bind equal grid
bind bracketright focus
bind bracketleft focusprev
bind C-bracketright focus
bind C-bracketleft focusprev
bind C-comma rpwsp
bind C-period rpwsn
bind T title
bind w fselect
bind L windows
bind C-s focuslast
bind Tab exec rp-windows
bind M-Tab exec rp-tags
bind B togglebarhide


#156 2014-07-12 10:54:38

Registered: 2014-07-12
Posts: 1

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

In my ratpoison version I have tried this:-

ratpoison -c "echo $(upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0| grep -E "state|to\ full|percentage")"

from terminal this command works as expected and gives my battery status in the mesage bar

when i try to bind it to a key the message bar says

/bin/sh -c "<command>" finished (127)

why is this happening?


#157 2015-05-23 18:01:19

Registered: 2015-05-23
Posts: 1

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

I have a question.

I'm running ratpoison with rpws for multiple workspaces. However I want to disable the meta-ctrl-left and meta-ctrl-right keyboard shortcuts to cycle through workspaces.

I've unbound C-M-Right and C-M-Left in my ~/.ratpoisonrc but since the rpws shorcuts don't need the escape character as a prefix this accomplishes nothing...

How can I disable those shortcuts?


#158 2016-09-16 06:58:32

From: Sweden
Registered: 2008-08-27
Posts: 881

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

I'd highly recommend all of you to check out

Native workspaces using vinit, vselect, vmove, and vdump commands. 
Configured with set virtuals #. 
No more shelling out to rpws which is horribly slow under heavy system load.

among other things. REALLY nice!

interactive ratpoison-repl:
ratpoisonrc: … atpoisonrc

### vim:ft=ratpoison:fde:fdm=marker:fmr=#<,#>:fdc=3:fdl=0:
#< ${HOME}/etc/ratpoisonrc
#   ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ ‗‗‗‗‗‗ ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗
#         owner  Magnus Woldrich <>
#       crafted  2009-04-24
#         mtime  2016-09-13 12:10:22
#   permissions  You are free to use things you may find useful here.
#                Would my tweaks happen to give you a raise or fetch you a
#                girlfriend, it goes without saying I'm counting on you
#                to share with me as I've shared with you.
#           git  git://
#           url
#           irc  japh@freenode #zsh #vim #perl
#   ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ ‗‗‗‗ ‗‗‗‗ ‗‗‗‗
startup_message off
escape C-f
defresizeunit 80

addhook switchgroup next

## the undocumented framefmt takes the same arguments as winfmt.
# set framefmt %w

#< catpoison only!
set virtuals 10
definekey top  F1 vselect 1
definekey top  F2 vselect 2
definekey top  F3 vselect 3
definekey top  F4 vselect 4
definekey top  F5 vselect 5
definekey top  F6 vselect 6
definekey top  F7 vselect 7
definekey top  F8 vselect 8

definekey top M-1 vselect 1
definekey top M-2 vselect 2
definekey top M-3 vselect 3
definekey top M-4 vselect 4
definekey top M-5 vselect 5

set barsticky off
#set gap

#< options
set           gravity c
set        bargravity c
set        wingravity c
set           winname title
set    maxsizegravity c
set        inputwidth 0
set  historyexpansion 1
set historycompaction 1
set       historysize 1000
set      winliststyle column
set        barpadding 8 8
set           padding 0 10 0 0
set            border 0
set           bgcolor #080808
set           bwcolor #0c0c0c
set           fgcolor #d75f00
set           fwcolor #afd700
set              font Terminus:weight:bold:size=12
set          maxundos 20
#< window management
unmanage tint2
unmanage dzen2
unmanage sdlmame
unmanage mame
unmanage neverball
unmanage gcolor2
#< binds: applications
bind c exec urxvt -name sid -fg white -bg black
bind C exec urxvt -name sid -fg white -bg '#1c1c1c'
bind v exec urxvt -name sid -bg '#121212' -fg '#bbaaaa'
bind x exec urxvt -name sid -fn 'xft:Terminus:pixelsize=14'
bind X exec xterm -name XTerm
bind e exec rp-runorraise firefox
bind p exec knradio -p
bind o exec knradio -s
bind 0 exec ratpoison -c "echo ´~/bin/knnp´"

#< top level XF86 binds
definekey top XF86AudioRaiseVolume  exec amixer -c 0 set Master 2dB+
definekey top XF86AudioLowerVolume  exec amixer -c 0 set Master 2dB-
definekey top XF86AudioMute         exec amixer -c 0 set Master mute
definekey top XF86Calculator        exec amixer -c 0 set Master unmute
definekey top XF86Mail              exec nestopia -dpu ~/emu/nes/castlevania.nes
definekey top XF86HomePage          exec nestopia -dpu ~/emu/nes/castlevania3.nes
#definekey top Menu

unbind space
bind   space exec ratpoison -c "echo `acpi | perl -pe 's/Battery 0: \w+, //'`"

unbind w
unbind g
bind w exec sh ~/dev/ratpoison_scripts/window-menu/window-menu
bind g exec ~/dev/utils/rp-groups-menu
#< binds: window management
bind H exchangeleft
bind J exchangedown
bind K exchangeup
bind L exchangeright

bind h focusleft
bind j focusdown
bind k focusup
bind l focusright

bind C-K kill
#bind w windows
#bind W windows

bind u undo
bind G gmove

bind Tab focuslast
bind ISO_Left_Tab focus

#bind s-n gnext
#bind s-p gprev
#bind s-c gnew
#bind s-g gnew
#< binds: workspaces
#exec rpws init 5 -k
#gnewbg one
#gnewbg two
#gnewbg three
#gnewbg four

#< binds: top level
#definekey top C-Return exec firefox -new-tab "`xclip -o`"
#definekey top S-Return getsel
#definekey top Pause    exec ossmix vmix0.pcm8 -- +2
#definekey top Print    exec ossmix vmix0.pcm8 -- -2
#definekey top C-Break  exec ossmix vmix0.pcm9 -- +2
#definekey top C-Print  exec ossmix vmix0.pcm9 -- -2

# act normal, but prevent firefox from raising itself
# when links are opened from other applications
rudeness 12

#< init


#159 2020-09-16 08:11:23

Registered: 2011-09-21
Posts: 159

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

I know this is an ancient thread but may be there are still some RP in archlinux.

I want to use polybar or dzen on my RP but I can`t figure out how to go about for it . Did try some settings but they did not work for me


#unmanage tint2
unmanage polybar
exec polybar

#unmanage dzen2
unmanage panel
set padding 0 14 0 14

Would appreciate if someone helps me how to get it done correctly .


#160 2020-09-16 12:14:14

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2012-01-15
Posts: 4,646

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

saleem, this really isn't a support thread -- if you need help using polybar or dzen with ratpoison, i'd suggest you start a new topic; post your entire ratpoison config file and your polybar or dzen configs (please use [ code ] tags).

I use rp, but I don't use polybar or dzen. A quick startpage search for "using polybar with ratpoison" or "using dzen with ratpoison" does give me several hits that look useful.


#161 2020-09-16 12:59:25

Registered: 2011-09-21
Posts: 159

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

2ManyDogs wrote:

saleem, this really isn't a support thread -- if you need help using polybar or dzen with ratpoison, i'd suggest you start a new topic; post your entire ratpoison config file and your polybar or dzen configs (please use [ code ] tags).

I use rp, but I don't use polybar or dzen. A quick startpage search for "using polybar with ratpoison" or "using dzen with ratpoison" does give me several hits that look useful.

Thank you for guiding me , I will share all my work in a new post . and meanwhile will search for  "using polybar with ratpoison" as well .


#162 2021-11-18 15:28:16

Registered: 2015-06-14
Posts: 232

Re: Share your Ratpoison (experience)

These days, I am trying ratpoison. Its amazing. Great. Only one thing. If I close LibreOffice Writer window using C-t k , then the firefox browser open, popup download window and ask me to download. If I close them all and reopen my Writer .odt file, then LibreOffice ask that to recover last changes in the file. Actually, I saved the file.

Edited: it was solved. I set the key k to kill. It makes problem. It should be set to delete.

Last edited by duyinthee (2021-11-20 04:50:57)


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