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I honestly don't know what I was trying to do, but I messed with pacman and deleted a whole bunch of files from /var under pacman. I don't even remember what folders it was. Damn I feel stupid
Now every time I want to install anything (dillo or azureus recently) it asks me to install loads of other stuff like glibc, bash, binutils, all the system stuff.
How can I get away with this and return to my lovely arch system
Sorry for being such a newbie... :oops:
sounds like you deleted your local database that hold information about installed packages. The best thing to do now is to reinstall. Don't go and try reinstalling everything from logs/memory because you won't get them all, trust me.
so basically everytime i want to pacman -S an app and it asks me to install loads of funky deps i install them?
That's what I,ll try anyway I guess.
Thanx for the quick answer.
Good night
no...I meant reinstall your entire system. Its asking you to install all those deps because pacman no longer has any record of anything it installed. You can reinstall deps all day long but it won't "solve" your situation.
good luck
good luck
hehe, I guess I'll need it!
Now my wife is going to kill me!! (again...)
I feel it would be a bit absurd to redo the whole install only because of package management. Now I'm reinstalling all the basic deps it asks me for and I,ll see from there. I'm hoping the worse that will happen is that it'll override my settings (which is not a big deal). I'll let you know what happens.
Edit: Well that didn't work out well at all! I'm pulling out my arch cd now. Let this serve as a warning to all the stupid newbs like me.
it may be wise (to everyone) to run a simple backup script as a daily cronjob in /etc/crond.daily to save yourself in the future. Something like:
tar -czvf db_backup.tar.gz /var/lib/pacman
should suffice. Then you would only have to worry about reinstalling packages between the time the script ran.
Pages: 1