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A little while ago, I installed the Infinality repository, by adding the following to /etc/pacman.conf.
Server =$arch
Server =$arch
Server =
Then installing the packages.
sudo pacman -S infinality-bundle
sudo pacman -S infinality-bundle-multilib
sudo pacman -S ibfonts-meta-base
sudo pacman -S ibfonts-meta-extended
Recently, kalu told me "7 packages not found in AUR". These were otf-melthofonts-ib ttf-ipafont-ib ttf-lklug-ib ttf-mph-2b-damase-ib ttf-nanum-fonts-ib ttf-tharlon-ib ttf-wqy-microhei-ib. (I presume it meant to say "custom repositories" rather than AUR.) Checking /var/log/pacman.log, I can see that these packages were initially installed after running `sudo pacman -S ibfonts-meta-extended`.
I checked the current repositories for the first two packages, and they appeared to have been removed, although similarly-names packages were available as
otf-melthofonts-ibx ttf-ipafont-ibx (note the last character). I manually uninstalled all these packages, and ran the four lines of installation again, and kalu stopped complaining. (FWIW these new *-ibx packages were not installed.)
My understanding is that meta packages will automatically keep member packages in sync, by installing new members. Will pacman not also automatically remove these "missing" packages? It's too late now, but should I have uninstalled orphan packages instead of manually uninstalling these?
Last edited by Salkay (2014-08-03 06:58:56)
Meta packages are packages without content and depend on the actual packages. If another dependency is added to the dependency array of the PKGBUILD of the meta package, then updating the meta package will install the new dependencies. Uninstalling the meta package will uninstall all of its dependencies, that are not marked as explicitly installed. Updating a package does not uninstall dependencies, which dropped out of the meta package. You should look for orphans from time to time.
I think unless package foo replaces package bar, this won't happen automatically.
I just tested it, created a metapacke with three deps, installed it, updated the package version, removed one dep, installed it. The removed dep was still on the system, orphaned according to -Qdt. This reminds me of upgrade and dist-upgrade on Debian. Should pacman get a switch for that?
Check if there's a task opened for such orphans.
There already is a feature request on the tracker (FS#5974). It is ancient, has more or less recent comments and is assigned to everybody but the current pacman maintainer.
@OP: Your turn. Go to the appropriate mailing list and inform them about the circumstance.
Last edited by Awebb (2014-07-21 15:33:49)
Thanks for the answer, Awebb and karol. I do try and remove orphans regularly, but it does make sense for this specific function to be rolled into the normal meta-package upgrade command. I've posted on the tracker (is that what you meant?).
I just tested it, created a metapacke with three deps, installed it, updated the package version, removed one dep, installed it. The removed dep was still on the system, orphaned according to -Qdt. This reminds me of upgrade and dist-upgrade on Debian. Should pacman get a switch for that?
# pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qdtq)
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî
Head_on_a_Stick, that's what I was referring to in the OP.
Will pacman not also automatically remove these "missing" packages? It's too late now, but should I have uninstalled orphan packages instead of manually uninstalling these?
Yes, we are discussing, whether this should by automated in a special case or whether pacman should inform us at least.
^ oh, sorry...
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî
Pages: 1