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The easiest and dirty solution what i've found, start synapse from bspwmrc:
synapse && bspc config -w focused border_width 0
start synapse from bspwmrc
Or the same command in sxhkdrc.
Much better!.
Since upgrading to xorg-server 1.16, it's hard to restart bspwm a second time because it segfaults nearly every time.
After deleting the socket file in /tmp, it works fine, so it looks like a permission error. Any ideas how to fix this?
Since upgrading to xorg-server 1.16, it's hard to restart bspwm a second time because it segfaults nearly every time.
After deleting the socket file in /tmp, it works fine, so it looks like a permission error. Any ideas how to fix this?
Report an issue on github and provide a gdb stack trace.
vorenon wrote:Since upgrading to xorg-server 1.16, it's hard to restart bspwm a second time because it segfaults nearly every time.
After deleting the socket file in /tmp, it works fine, so it looks like a permission error. Any ideas how to fix this?
Report an issue on github and provide a gdb stack trace.
Done. I don't know how gdb works so I hope a strace log is enough.
bloom: actually my blog is down (, I'll write the same How-To on my github and I'll link here. Sorry!
EDIT: here you are the full guide
Last edited by smlb (2014-08-01 10:26:08)
here you are the full guide
When I kill xinit or bspwm, the panel (bar-aint-recursive) copied from the baskerville's / bloom's example does not get killed with it. It just stays alive and keeps running in the background, even without X (while maxing out my CPU). So what I usually do is to kill the panel by hand afterwards.
What I find surprising is that the panel has a different PGID from bspwm, even though it is started from within bspwm:
793 793 startx /bin/sh /usr/bin/startx
793 927 \_ xinit \_ xinit /home/$USER/.xinitrc -- /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc :0 -auth /tmp/serverauth.GubNWU53XI
928 928 \_ \_ /usr/bin/Xorg.bin -nolisten tcp :0 -auth /tmp/serverauth.GubNWU53XI vt1
935 935 \_ wm \_ /bin/sh /home/$USER/.local/bin/wm
935 941 \_ xsc \_ /usr/bin/xscreensaver -no-splash
935 942 \_ lig \_ /bin/bash /home/$USER/.local/bin/
935 23300 | \_ | \_ sleep 290
935 947 \_ sxh \_ /usr/bin/sxhkd
935 951 \_ bsp \_ bspwm
955 983 panel /bin/sh /home/$USER/.local/bin/panel
955 986 \_ bspc \_ bspc control --subscribe
955 987 \_ xtitle \_ xtitle -sf T%s
955 988 \_ clock \_ clock -sf C%b %d | %H:%M
955 989 \_ battery \_ battery -sf Bs%s
955 990 \_ battery \_ battery -sf Bl%i
955 991 \_ cat \_ cat /tmp/panel-fifo
955 992 \_ panel_bar \_ /bin/sh /home/$USER/.local/bin/panel_bar
955 993 \_ bar-aint-re \_ bar-aint-recursive -f -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-c-*-*-* -B #FF34322E -F #FFA3A6AB -g x24
955 994 \_ panel \_ /bin/sh /home/$USER/.local/bin/panel
I guess this line in the configuration should make sure that everything gets killed cleanly, but I guess if it doesn't fire kill 0, it means that panel never receives a SIG{KILL,TERM,QUIT,INT} in the first place:
trap 'trap - TERM; kill 0' INT TERM QUIT EXIT
Any idea what could be happening?
Stalafin, add this to your sxhkdrc
# This bspc quit && pkill panel # Instead of this bspc quit
That is certainly the proper way of shutting down bspwm.
What just surprises me is that if I kill the xinit process itself (pkill -x xinit), the panel keeps on happily running. I wonder why that is.
Last edited by Stalafin (2014-08-01 15:47:41)
smlb wrote:Stalafin, add this to your sxhkdrc
# This bspc quit && pkill panel # Instead of this bspc quit
That is certainly the proper way of shutting down bspwm.
What just surprises me is that if I kill the xinit process itself (pkill -x xinit), the panel keeps on happily running. I wonder why that is.
I guess thats it because its only running the script, the bar or dzen just stops if im correct.
Stalafin wrote:smlb wrote:Stalafin, add this to your sxhkdrc
# This bspc quit && pkill panel # Instead of this bspc quit
That is certainly the proper way of shutting down bspwm.
What just surprises me is that if I kill the xinit process itself (pkill -x xinit), the panel keeps on happily running. I wonder why that is.
I guess thats it because its only running the script, the bar or dzen just stops if im correct.
You are not correct. The panel stays alive, as does bar-aint-recursive (which is maxing out my CPU).
Is there a way to focus window on current monitor? something like
bspc window -f right.current_monitor
Last edited by jan (2014-08-07 11:45:30)
jan wrote:Is there a way to focus window on current monitor? something like
bspc window -f right.current_monitor
bspc window -f right.local
Are you sure? In my test, .local selects window in current 'desktop', not 'monitor'
btw, I noticed that the command
bspc window -f {next,prev}
does the same as
bspc window -f {next,prev}.local
both select only windows on the current desktop.
Stebalien wrote:jan wrote:Is there a way to focus window on current monitor? something like
bspc window -f right.local
Are you sure? In my test, .local selects window in current 'desktop', not 'monitor'
Please define "windows in current monitor" (I define it as windows visible on the current monitor). Do you want to switch between all windows on all desktops in the current monitor? This doesn't make sense because desktops aren't spatially oriented with respect to each other. That is, there is no concept "the desktop to the right of this one", there is only next and previous.
btw, I noticed that the command
bspc window -f {next,prev}
does the same as
bspc window -f {next,prev}.local
both select only windows on the current desktop.
The first one will jump between monitors, the second will stay within the confines of the current monitor.
Last edited by Stebalien (2014-08-09 05:26:19)
The first one will jump between monitors, the second will stay within the confines of the current monitor.
Not in my case. Both behave the same way: focus only windows on the current desktop.
Last edited by o_caino (2014-08-09 08:41:40)
Thanks @Stebalien and @o_caino! Your opposite testimony on '.local' behavior made me think it could be a version problem. So I did 'sudo yaourt -S bspwm-git' to upgrade, and '.local' works as @Stebalien described now :-)
I've been messing around with herbstluftwm today. The hooks have given me some cool ideas for using
bspc control --subscribe
I also noticed that I had background window opacity set in my compton.conf. Compton doesn't seem to be able to detect inactive windows with bspwm though. The only thing I could find about this was this reddit post (with no solution). Does anyone here know how to get compton to recognize unfocused windows with bspwm?
Last edited by angelic_sedition (2014-08-09 18:14:27)
Compton doesn't seem to be able to detect inactive windows with bspwm though.
Nope, that should work indeed. Please post your compton config for further help.
Your opposite testimony on '.local' behavior made me think it could be a version problem.
I check everyday for updates, so I'm always running the most recent (-git) version of both bspwm and sxhkd...
In my test, .local selects window in current 'desktop', not 'monitor'
The first one will jump between monitors, the second will stay within the confines of the current monitor.
Note that there are two different .local modifiers
Select a window.WINDOW_SEL := <window_id>
| (DIR|CYCLE_DIR|biggest|last|focused|older|newer)[.float
Only consider windows of the current desktop.
Select a desktop.DESKTOP_SEL := <desktop_name>
| [MONITOR_SEL:]^<n>
| (CYCLE_DIR|last|[MONITOR_SEL:]focused|older|newer)[.occupied|.free][.urgent][.local]
Only consider desktops of the current monitor.
bspc window -f {next,prev}.local
I'm talking about the former.
If there's a modifier that restrics matches to the current desktop I'd expect the default behaviour, without modifiers, to match windows regardless of the desktop they're in. And, as I said on a previous post, this is not the case (at least for me).
Last edited by o_caino (2014-08-10 11:19:59)
angelic_sedition wrote:Compton doesn't seem to be able to detect inactive windows with bspwm though.
Nope, that should work indeed. Please post your compton config for further help.
I should have checked first all my settings; the problem was in my config:
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
This seems to have no effect in herbstluftwm and a few others I tried, but with bspwm all windows get marked as focused I guess, so it has to be set to false.
I should have checked first all my settings; the problem was in my config:
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
This seems to have no effect in herbstluftwm and a few others I tried, but with bspwm all windows get marked as focused I guess, so it has to be set to false.
You don't have to set it to false, just don't set it at all since it's false by default. It's strange though cause I don't run into that issue having wmwin enabled… Which versions of bspwm and compton do you use?