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If I (manually) start bar I get a repeating message of:
error: Connection refused
error: Connection refused
error: Connection refused
error: Connection refused
It works perfectly fine from what I can tell just curious as to what the message means/how to fix it.
Anyone have any recommendations for Japanese fonts to use with bar?
Some of the fonts that I am using do not display space character in bar. Here's an image :
As you can see, profont and tewi are fine, but most of artwiz fonts have an issue.
Any ideas?
Desktop screenshots :: Origami :: github
I have a pretty high dpi on my screen, and apart from increasing the font size, I don't seem to be able to do anything for bar to have more legible fonts. I have set my native DPI in Xorg.conf.d (ignored by bar), and also in .Xresources for Xft.* (also ignored, since bar doesn't use xft). Any ideas?
@Stalafin, I'm looking into this, thanks for reporting.
As a general head-up, I'm happy to announce that bar is now called 'lemonbar', so ask the AUR package mantainers for an updated PKGBUILD (and maybe ask for a 'lemonbar' package in your favourite distro).
A 1.1 release is planned in the following days (1 year after the first 1.0 release), stay tuna!
My bar was looking sexy... until I had to try terminusmod out. I tried mkfontdir, mkfontscale, fc-cache -rf, I have xset +fp and xset fp rehash, but it just won't load the font. Apparently stlarch had to name it with a comma in between, tried quoting, escaping, double escaping... anyone has any idea how to make this work?
Fixed in the latest commit, thanks for reporting.
Just updated lemonbar and it's working, thanks! I didn't think this was a bug though, I still can't load the font on urxvt.
Bar had no problems finding fonts in xfontsel strings, but once I updated to lemonbar, I was unable to find fonts regardless of what I tried. I'm probably just being stupid. I've tried
-f "DejaVu Sans-10"
-f "-benis-lemon-medium-r-normal--10-110-75-75-m-50-iso8859-1"
which worked with bar. Any ideas?
Bar had no problems finding fonts in xfontsel strings, but once I updated to lemonbar, I was unable to find fonts regardless of what I tried. I'm probably just being stupid. I've tried
-f "DejaVu Sans-10"
-f "-benis-lemon-medium-r-normal--10-110-75-75-m-50-iso8859-1"
which worked with bar. Any ideas?
What package and version are you using? Is there any error output?
What package and version are you using? Is there any error output?
I cloned the git just a couple days ago.
The only output is
Could not load font "font name here"
as it fails with any font I try. All of said fonts work fine when using bar which I still have installed.
So, lemonbar WORKS, but its just using an ugly default font.
Last edited by Axioen (2015-05-07 17:33:59)
I'm having trouble with getting more than one font working on lemonbar. I had them working just fine on bar but now whatever I do I can't get it to work. Here is my panel script and the panel config where I define the fonts.
It shows terminess just fine when that's the only font, and the same goes for stlarch, but as soon as I use both of them together it reverts back to the default font. What am I doing wrong?
If I (manually) start bar I get a repeating message of:
error: Connection refused error: Connection refused error: Connection refused error: Connection refused
It works perfectly fine from what I can tell just curious as to what the message means/how to fix it.
Looks like an mpc error. Do you call mpc in your bar script?
Heads-up: I just cleaned up the AUR and merged all old packages to follow the new upstream name.
@TheLemonMan: Xft support would be extremely appreciated. bar is almost unusable on my HiDPI display.
Last edited by Svenstaro (2015-05-22 01:10:40)
Anyone else still having a lemonbar font issue, like Axioen was?
@demure: I'm having the same problem as @Axioen.
I have done the usual, mkfontdir, mkfontscale, fc-cache -rf, xset +fp and xset fp rehash. One of the fonts im trying to use is FontAwesome, which I have stored for local user, and even tried moving it to shared. I have it stored in $HOME/.local/share/fonts as stated on archwiki. Running "fc-list | grep awesome" shows path to both of them, and i still get "Could not load font fontname".
Hope anyone can help.
Last edited by rednaX (2015-11-08 18:44:10)
bar is life, bar is love.
When can we expect lemonbar in official repos? Bspwm has been there for quite some time, and even compton got added recently. lemonbar is probably the most popular choice with bspwm, so it makes sense for it to be in official repos.
Desktop screenshots :: Origami :: github
I have been moving back to Openbox from i3 (No reason, just want something different). I have become rather attached to the i3 panel and missed it
So, i fired up lemonbar and wrote me some python and got something that looks like this:
The desktops on the left are clickable and will pull the appropriate desktop up.
Here is the Python:
#! /usr/bin/python
import time
import netifaces
import subprocess
import threading
color={'default': '%{F-}',
'red' : '%{F#ffff4040}',
'green' : '%{F#ff40ff40}',
'blue' : '%{F#ff4040ff}',
'yellow' : '${F#ffffff40}'
Background = '#60000000'
Font="DejaVu Sans"
def Offset(x,edge='c'):
return "%%{%s}%%{O%s}"%(edge,x)
def Get():
while True:
def Wireless(offset):
with open ("/proc/net/wireless", "r") as myfile:
except IndexError:
return "%sQual: %s%%; %sdB"%(Offset(offset),s[2],s[3])
def Desktops(offset):
# Set up the desktops on the left. Enumerate the desktops, color the one we are on red. They
# can each be clicked and will return their number in stdout of lemonbar
desks=subprocess.check_output(["xprop", "-root", "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP", "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS"]).decode().split('\n')
for i in range(1,int (desks[1][-1:])+1):
if int(desks[0][-1:]) == i-1:
s.append("%s%%{A:%i:}%i %%{A}"%(color[c],i-1,i))
return ''.join(s)
def NetAddresses(offset):
for net in networks:
ip = netifaces.ifaddresses(net)[2][0]
addr= "%s%s%s"%(color['green'],ip['addr'],color['default'])
except KeyError:
addr= "%sNo Address%s"%(color['red'],color['default'])
offset = offset - 300
return ''.join(s)
def Battery(offset):
# Next the battery state
with open ("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/status", "r") as myfile:
with open ("/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity", "r") as myfile:
bat = int(myfile.readlines()[0][:-1])
if bat<50: c='yellow'
if bat<25: c='red'
return ''.join(s)
def Temperature(offset):
with open ("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp", "r") as myfile:
temp = int(myfile.readlines()[0][:-1])/1000
if temp > 80 : c='red'
return "%sTemp:%s%sC%%{F-}"%(Offset(offset),color[c],temp)
def Time(offset):
return "%%{r}%s\n"%time.ctime()
def main():
global proc
# Launch lemonbar
args = ["lemonbar", "-p", "-b", "-B%s" % Background, "-f%s:size=%i"%(Font,Size)]
proc=subprocess.Popen(args,stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# Handle inbound stuff in a separate thread.
t = threading.Thread(target=Get)
t.daemon = True
decoderRing = [ (Desktops , None),
while True:
message=[x[0](x[1]) for x in decoderRing]
# Send it. Don't forget to pull the handle or it won't go...
if __name__ == "__main__":
I run this a bit differently than most lemonbar applications. This code will instantiatelemonbar and attach to its stdin and stdout.
Just run It requires time, netifaces, subprocess, and threading. I think netifaces is the only non-default dependency.
Edit: Updated screen shot and code with wifi quality
Last edited by ewaller (2016-05-23 00:03:38)
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