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Its not a good idea to put file systems on the root path of devices and i suspect the problem is here.
Partition your device and then put the file system on the partition.
Your device,as it currently is,is a special case/corner case and not everybody supports it as some tools expects to see file systems
only in partitions.
Thanks, I'll try that. Gotta say though that I formatted the drive via the Win7 context menu and that same drive used to work on my netbook using the same method formatting method. But maybe something went wrong, who knows. I'll report back.
Hi, I'm using ldm and is great One question though: is it possible to remount a drive without unplugging it first?
This looks great, but I am unsure I am configuring it correctly. I installled the /etc/ldm.conf file:
but when I try to start it requests my uid and gid. If I type:
ldm -d -u 1000 -g 100
it says I must run as root, which works, but I thought the config file was supposed to allow you to not run it as root. Is it seeing the config if it is requesting my uid and gid?
I'm trying to use ldm 0.4.3
@vheon, not yet, but you should file a bug report on the github page so I don't forget about that
@apl ldm is meant to be called from a systemd script (or whatever init system you use)
Thanks for the reply, I'm new to Arch and systemd but did figure it out. Thanks for ldm!
Wow I do say this is an awesome little program I am very impressed everyday I use arch it becomes easier and easier to do things thank you for this.
I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.
Hello LemonMan !
This is is really a nice little device mounter.
At the moment I can't make it automount my android phone for file access.
I know that Google is on the way to remove USB Mass Storage mode from android, so I was wondering if LDM could trigger a MTPfs automount with android devices somehow ?
Thanks for your help.
Last edited by Lone_Gunman (2015-05-14 15:08:27)
I'm having a problem since some weeks ago. I don't know why but each time I unmount a device automatically mounted by ldm, the directory where the device was mounted doesn't get automatically deleted, and ldm fails to mount again the same device until I manually delete the directory.
It doesn't matter whether I use pumount/sudo umount to unmount the device, the directory doesn't get deleted.
It looks like the created directory has the right permissions. E.g:
drwxr-xr-x 7 jalon users 32K ene 1 1970 IORI_PS3
And after unmounting, permissions change:
dr-----rwt 2 root root 4,0K jun 7 20:22 IORI_PS3
I hope this can be fixed!
Does it work with
ldmc -r <path>
This is the only way you should unmount a ldm-owned device.
I was wondering how to unmount them But unfortunately 'ldmc -r [path]' and 'ldmc -l' return
connect: No such file or directory
But I know for sure the directory I'm providing is correct.
I have a separate issue with android devices. I have the 'android-udev' package from the AUR, which provides rules for many different devices including mine (HTC), yet ldm doesn't seem to recognise it. I'm not sure if this is an issue with udev or your program.
Here is the HTC section of '/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules':
ATTR{idVendor}!="0bb4", GOTO="not_HTC"
# skip if debug mode off
ATTR{idProduct}=="0ff9", GOTO="android_usb_rules_end"
# fastboot mode enabled
ATTR{idProduct}=="0fff", SYMLINK+="android_fastboot", GOTO="android_usb_rule_match"
Many thanks for the great program btw, it is light indeed!