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#1 2006-02-23 13:54:55

Registered: 2005-11-20
Posts: 11

wiki didn't help with udev and persistent device naming

hi everybody,

I read the wiki page on udev persistend network device naming and it still doesn't work for me. the e1000 and ipw2200 nics get mixed up all the time.

my 10-network.rules looks like this:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", SYSFS{address}=="00:11:25:85:cc:8b", NAME="eth0"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", SYSFS{address}=="00:12:f0:0b:a8:7a", NAME="eth1"

the mac addresses should be correct, I copied them directly from the udevinfo output and checked them twice.
I tried to change eth0 to lan and eth1 to wlan, but this broke both cards for me. everything looked fine in ethereal but the packets didn't seem to reach userspace (ping, firefox, etc. didn't seem to get them).
is there anything else I need to change apart from 10-network.rules, rc.conf and conf.d/wireless to make this work with different device names than eth0 and eth1?

doesn't matter if udev doesn't work, i thought, i can force the order of module loading and everything should be fine. this is my modules array in rc.conf:

MODULES=(e1000 ipw2200 nvram ibm-acpi hdaps)

but still the ipw2200 module seems to get loaded before the e1000 module sometimes. i read about adding !e1000 and !ipw2200 to modules.conf to prevent udev from autoloading but the wiki sounds very much like this isn't necessary:

Modules in this array are loaded before udev starts auto-loading stuff, so you have full control over the load order.

but when i look at the order of the modules in the lsmod output this doesn't seem to be the case. the modules listed in the modules array seem to get loaded relatively late (although not last).

i finally added two alias lines in modprobe.conf but that didn't help either and i woulnd't have liked that solution anyways as it feels kinda dirty to me.

thanks for any help,


#2 2006-02-23 16:18:44

From: Lauingen , Germany
Registered: 2004-04-05
Posts: 2,325

Re: wiki didn't help with udev and persistent device naming

don't use eth0 and eth1 use other names, like lan0 lan1


#3 2006-02-23 18:51:57

Registered: 2005-11-20
Posts: 11

Re: wiki didn't help with udev and persistent device naming

Now I'm feeling stupid:

tpowa wrote:

don't use eth0 and eth1 use other names, like lan0 lan1

I tried to rename them to lan and wlan, but it didn't work. Userspace didn't receive any packets. I just now realized I had some basic iptables set up which needed adaptation...


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