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I run pacman -Suy a few days ago and got the following message:
libgl-dri conflicts with nvidia. Remove nvidia?
well, I answered "No" and the upgrade process stoped.
I have two questions:
1. why libgl-dri wants to remove nvidia? does it replace it or parts of it? Is X going to work afterwards? I haven't seen any threads about it so either everybody answers "Y" or this problem is specific to my PC.
2. I am not able to find out what other packages I could upgrade because after I show the finger to libgl-dri it shows the finger to me and exits ;-) Can I bypass it somehow or until I remove nvidia because libgl-dri says so I won't be able to upgrade my system? I tried --ignore but since it is not installed yet, I don't have libgl-mesa installed which it replaces either.
1. Nvidia replaces libgl-dri.
2. When in doubt use the force. pacman -S nvidia pacman -Sf xorg. Worked for me at least.
I'd suggest pacman -Rd libgl-dri ; pacman -S nvidia instead.
thanks for help!
Funny thing is that I don't have libgl-dri installed at all.
$ pacman -Q libgl-dri
Package "libgl-dri" was not found.
the errors I'm getting are as follows:
$ sudo pacman -Suy
:: Synchronizing package databases...
:: current is up to date
:: extra is up to date
:: Replace glut with freeglut from "current"? [Y/n] n
:: libgl-dri conflicts with nvidia. Remove nvidia? [Y/n] n
error: package conflicts detected
and pacman exits.
I don't want to upgrade xorg yet, I saw many posts about problems, so I'll do that when I have a bit more time to fix it, anyway the above behaviour renders -Su useless for me until I upgrade libgl-dri.
How should I upgrade to xorg then? (I'll do it on the weekend)
1. answer "Y" to "libgl-dri conflicts with nvidia. Remove nvidia?"
2. pacman -Rd libgl-dri
3. pacman -S nvidia
4. pacman -Suy
isn't it possible I'm going to get "libgl-dri conflicts with nvidia. Remove nvidia?" again?
I'm using my PC everyday so in the weke I have no time to fix it that's why I'm asking.
I gave it a second thought and maybe I should:
1. answer "Y" to "libgl-dri conflicts with nvidia. Remove nvidia?"
2. pacman -Sf nvidia
3. pacman -Suy
I hate forcing things though.
libgl-dri and nvidia should conflict, as they provide both Some application in the repositories is having the wrong depends. It should either depend on mesa or libgl, but not on a specific libgl implementation.
This stuff was asked and answered many times...
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]
@Moo-Crumpus: thanks for help. I searched the forum, obviously not well enough. I read WiKi for Xorg upgrade, I searched the forum.
As I Said I don't want to upgrade Xorg.
Could you please point me to the discussion that explains how to circumvent pacman refusing to do the upgrade if I don't want to upgrade a package? If it's not a problem of course.
Thanks a lot!
Obviously not well enough.
f.e. … +libgl-dri
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]
Are you sure you understood my question? Obviously not.
As I Said I don't want to upgrade Xorg.
Then any x-apps you have will be stuck at their current versions. Everything is moving to xorg 7, and any apps that depended on xorg now will depend on the modular packages, meaning you won't be able to update your apps through pacman anymore.
Just leave it until you get around to fiddle with xorg. It's not that scary, I don't think. There are enough posts in the forum to find your solution if you need to. The number of xorg related post may reflect its problematic nature, but not necessarily because it's riddled with problems, but because documentations and solutions to little hiccups weren't available when it got rolled out to current. I think it's easier now than then.
But if you are content to stick with the old xorg, I don't think it's a problem to leave it for a while even though it might sort of freeze you in time. But no rush, yet.
thanks for the replies. I kind of like fixing things, though my girlfriend is getting a bit frustrated about it
I'll give it a try on the weekend.
My concern was assuming there was a big security hole that I would not be aware of and I would not want to update xorg, even though the package maintainer responsible for fixing the hole provided the package I would not be able to update it (I would not now that the update existed) because of mandatory xorg update. I think there's something wrong with the process - don't get me wrong, pacman and abs are things why I'm using Arch, I love them . Xorg is not that important - ssh, apache, php security hole would be and I would understand if I had ssh installed and there was a security hole in it I got big "STOP - UPDATE NOW!" by pacman.
Thanks for help!