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Just one quick question: I'm using pulseaudio, but when I try to set the output plugin in deadbeef to pulseaudio, I can't get my sound louder than 47% anymore. With Alsa output plugin everything works the way it should, but of course I can't have any other output sources (skype/teamspeak) at the same time. Any idea how to fix this?
I'm not a fan of pulseaudio, and don't have it installed.. I can install and try this out, but most likely this is a local configuration issue.
With Alsa output plugin everything works the way it should, but of course I can't have any other output sources (skype/teamspeak) at the same time.
Are you saying that you can’t have several applications making noise at the same time? If so then it’s a problem with your configuration.
I can't get my sound louder than 47% anymore.
Where do you read the 47% and what does pavucontrol say?
@stqn: I just tested it. I can have sound from multiple sources at the same time, but I can't redirect the sound from deadbeef to my 5.1 speakers when using the alsa plugin. (I also have a 7.1 headset installed)
@wander: I read the 47% in pnmixer, but I've just tried it again, and now everything works fine. No idea what happened yesterday, but whatever it was, it seems like it's fixed now. But you're right. I'm no big fan of pulse either.
Either way, thank you guys for the help.
i'd like to ask how to change gui?
mine deadbeef is
but i want flat gui
Second screenshot is from official site( deadbeef )
my wm is kde4 and oxygen-gtk.
Anyone have any ideas?
Last edited by twNwsHT0 (2014-08-26 18:55:52)
You need to use a different GTK theme
You need to use a different GTK theme
@waker do you know which theme should i use?
I don't know which theme is on the screenshot.. Try browsing themes on
The tracks in my playlists are now invisible, for some reason. Only the labels are gone: odd and even row colors are still displayed, I can click on the tracks and everything.
It happens regardless of the gtk theme and custom appearance settings, with gtk2 and gtk3, deadbeef and deadbeef-git.
I would like to fix it, but I don't know where to start. If you have any idea whi this happens, I'd be grateful
$ deadbeef
starting deadbeef devel
searching for GUI plugins in /home/blabla/.local/lib64/deadbeef
searching for GUI plugins in /home/blabla/.local/lib/deadbeef
plug_load_all: scandir found 4 files
searching for GUI plugins in /usr/lib/deadbeef
plug_load_all: scandir found 49 files
found gui plugin
added GTK2 gui plugin
found gui plugin
added GTK3 gui plugin
load gui plugin
checking GUI plugin: GTK2
checking GUI plugin: GTK3
found selected GUI plugin: GTK3
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugins from /home/blabla/.local/lib64/deadbeef
loading plugins from /home/blabla/.local/lib/deadbeef
plug_load_all: scandir found 4 files
loading plugin /home/blabla/.local/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /home/blabla/.local/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugins from /usr/lib/deadbeef
plug_load_all: scandir found 49 files
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
loading plugin /usr/lib/deadbeef/
wildmidi : Fichier de configuration freepats introuvable. Veuillez installer le paquet timidity-freepats, ou spécifier le chemin vers freepats.conf dans les préférences du greffon.selected output plugin: ALSA output plugin
INFO: loading playlist Défaut
INFO: from file /home/blabla/.config/deadbeef/playlists/0.dbpl
INFO: loading playlist Nouvelle liste de lecture
INFO: from file /home/blabla/.config/deadbeef/playlists/1.dbpl
INFO: loading playlist Nouvelle liste de lecture (1)
INFO: from file /home/blabla/.config/deadbeef/playlists/2.dbpl
INFO: loading playlist Nouvelle liste de lecture (2)
INFO: from file /home/blabla/.config/deadbeef/playlists/3.dbpl
INFO: loading playlist Nouvelle liste de lecture (3)
INFO: from file /home/blabla/.config/deadbeef/playlists/4.dbpl
plugin File Browser failed to connect to dependencies, deactivated.
fb api2
convgui: gtkui plugin not found
plugin Converter GTK2 UI failed to connect to dependencies, deactivated.
plugin Playlist browser GTK2 failed to connect to dependencies, deactivated.
shellexecui: can't find gtkui plugin
plugin Shellexec GTK2 UI failed to connect to dependencies, deactivated.
gtkui plugin compiled for gtk version: 3.14.6
connecting button tray signals
** (deadbeef:28436): WARNING **: Widget not found: Skip to_menu
Thanks for your help!
@Lala0KjOA try deleting ~/.config/deadbeef
Meh, I should have thought of that. It's working now, thanks!
Any idea why this occured? Is this common?
Last edited by Lala0KjOA (2014-12-21 19:53:17)
It's not common, but an obvious thought after reading "my playlists are now invisible" is that you messed up some gui settings.
Very nice. I just started using this as my main player (before I was using mpd/ncmpcpp). I was never very crazy about ncmpcpp, but it had the best hotkey configurability out of all the clients available.
The only suggestion I can make is to implement hotkey actions for manually moving the playlist selection. Everything else is perfect.
Love this players, fits so well with xfce.
This should be the default for any gtk environment!
I recently discovered deadbeef and find it to be light on resources yet has all the functionality I need (reminds me of foobar2000, my fav on Windows).
One thing though, does anyone know why deadbeef writes it's full log output to my .xsession-errors file? Is it possible to stop it?
It doesn't seem as though it should be doing that, no other program does, and it's not like it even contains errors.
I wish I could add song rating
Sorry for possible necro bumping, I've implemented this feature by creating new custom column. DeaDBeeF supports some of Foobar2000 title formatting rules. Unfortunately, there's no support for $repeat function, so you should create a column with the following format:
$ifequal([%rating%], 5, *****,)$ifequal([%rating%], 4, ****,)$ifequal([%rating%], 3, ***,)$ifequal([%rating%], 2, **,)$ifequal([%rating%], 1, *,)
Then to use it create a new tag in the file named "rating" by entering track properties and adding new field from context menu (I've checked it with mp3 and ogg files). It's value should be from 1 to 5.
For better appearance you can install Font Awesome and use nice star icon instead of asterisk (Ctrl+Shift+u then type "f005" without quotes to enter it) and make it golden.
It's not handy though, but still suitable for highlighting