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#1 2014-09-26 02:10:41

Registered: 2013-06-09
Posts: 15

Change Resolution on VirtualBox

Hi there,

I'm trying to setup arch on a virtual machine, I successfully installed the base system and i3wm. Now I want to change the resolution to make it full screen.

Reading the wiki and some posts around I follow directions for xrandr, but they don't work.

I created a new mode on xrandr, that I generated using gtf, but when I added the new mode I get:

x error of failed request badmatch (invalid parameter attributes)

Here I took a screenshot of the issue

Can someone give me information and tips on how can I diagnose the problem? Thanks

Note: I'm running virtualbox on a retina macbook 13"


#2 2014-09-26 05:08:07

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,885

Re: Change Resolution on VirtualBox

You need to be specific as to which wiki entries you read, what you tried, and specific results.
Did you follow this article ?
What happens when you set the host window to automatically re-size guest window. (I don't recall the exact nomenclature, I don't have Virtualbox running to look)

Last edited by ewaller (2014-09-26 05:08:29)

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