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Does anyone know if there is a way to restrict the size that the spectrometer can draw to in ncmpcpp so that the rendered measurements do not go outside of the edges of the window?
There's visualizer_sample_multiplier, use values < 1
^^^ Thanks, I searched for that for a long while, but couldn't find anything. I'd think it'd be given a more general description, instead the vague explination of what it is used for, in the man pages, but I suppose I should have infered that.
Same basic setup with a color overhaul to match the wallpaper, switched from cmus to ncmpcpp, and changed the clock on my dzen2.
Trying out XFCE.
that wallpaper please ?
"First learn computer science and all the theory. Next develop a programming style. Then forget all that and just hack." ~ George Carrette
Same basic setup with a color overhaul to match the wallpaper, switched from cmus to ncmpcpp, and changed the clock on my dzen2.
Great, can you post your config file please?
agahnim wrote:...snip...
Great, can you post your config file please?
Sorry, but which config do you want? I am happy to share it, but that is a bit vague.
OK100 wrote:How do you do the thing with the desktops in your panel? Is that dzen2?
Desktops are just underlined spaces in bar (stolen from earsplit).
toketin wrote:agahnim wrote:...snip...
Great, can you post your config file please?
Sorry, but which config do you want? I am happy to share it, but that is a bit vague.
Your Bar config Thanks!
agahnim wrote:toketin wrote:Great, can you post your config file please?
Sorry, but which config do you want? I am happy to share it, but that is a bit vague.
Your Bar config
Thanks!!V1VRVBRQ!tDQWH92PXQJqT72nNYmR7w - this should give you everything you need, and I use dzen2 not bar.
Included is conkyrc for the left side and conkyrc2 for the right side (for some reason dzen2 has an issue with aligning text)
and then my dzconky script with the xbm icons from sm4tik-icon-pack.
the only thing you should have to do is fetch the example script from the archwiki to get the mail counter and change paths in the files to point to your prefered locations. search and replace in vim will save you a lot of time changing colors aswell.
I am sure you already knew most of that, but I am mentioning it for posterity sake, please take no offence
toketin wrote:agahnim wrote:Sorry, but which config do you want? I am happy to share it, but that is a bit vague.
Your Bar config
Thanks!!V1VRVBRQ!tDQWH92PXQJqT72nNYmR7w - this should give you everything you need, and I use dzen2 not bar.
Included is conkyrc for the left side and conkyrc2 for the right side (for some reason dzen2 has an issue with aligning text)
and then my dzconky script with the xbm icons from sm4tik-icon-pack.
the only thing you should have to do is fetch the example script from the archwiki to get the mail counter and change paths in the files to point to your prefered locations. search and replace in vim will save you a lot of time changing colors aswell.
I am sure you already knew most of that, but I am mentioning it for posterity sake, please take no offence
Perfect thanks for your time!
What are the options ^pa, ^fg, ^p, ^i ecc in conkyrc?
toketin, those are not conky settings, but arguments that are being passed to dzen2. My conky configs are also shell scripts so that they can pass some options to dzen2. for instance ^i is what loads the xbitmap icons
I know I already posted, but I played around with openbox and I think I'll stay with this for a while (it's snappy!)
openbox theme: surreal
panel: tint2-svn
Which font are you using on top? Been trying to find it for some time now.
Which font are you using on top? Been trying to find it for some time now.
It's cure/ from the artwiz-fonts package (extra/artwiz-fonts).
Last edited by effae (2014-10-16 10:48:47)
toketin, those are not conky settings, but arguments that are being passed to dzen2. My conky configs are also shell scripts so that they can pass some options to dzen2. for instance ^i is what loads the xbitmap icons
Ok thanks, is there a way to add also the 'support' for the desktop's number indicator?
Very nice setup! kttlbll (me encanto)...
Do you mind sharing your i3 bar config file?
Thanks for sharing,
Live, Enjoy & Share
My Kde+Bspwm session:
The panel is Lemonboy bar with conky pipe, thanks to earsplit's config. The systray is just tint2. I'm using Kde, without plasma and krunner, and bspwm as WM.