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Here's the thing.. at this time I log OSD notifications like this
dbus-monitor "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications'" | grep --line-buffered "member=Notify\|string" >> .notify-log
and the output
method call sender=:1.63 -> dest=:1.770 serial=14 path=/org/freedesktop/Notifications; interface=org.freedesktop.Notifications; member=Notify
string "Pidgin"
string ""
string "Buddy name says:"
string "Lorem ipsum dolor..."
string "show"
string "Show"
string "urgency"
string "icon_data"
method call sender=:1.528 -> dest=:1.770 serial=64 path=/org/freedesktop/Notifications; interface=org.freedesktop.Notifications; member=Notify
string "Spotify"
string ""
string "Boom Boom Boom - Don't Break My Balls Mix"
string "1 Polish 2 Biscuits & a Fish Sandwich"
string "urgency"
string "icon_data"
string "image-data"
method call sender=:1.814 -> dest=:1.770 serial=7 path=/org/freedesktop/Notifications; interface=org.freedesktop.Notifications; member=Notify
string "com.willhauck.linconnect"
string "info"
string "Notification server started (version 2.20)"
string "Configuration instructions at http://localhost:9090"
method call sender=:1.814 -> dest=:1.770 serial=8 path=/org/freedesktop/Notifications; interface=org.freedesktop.Notifications; member=Notify
string "com.willhauck.linconnect"
string "/home/enjoy/.cache/linconnect-server/icon_cache_a6d4083a519f81b62deaed065ab3dafc.png"
string "+421 90X XXX XXX"
string "Incoming call (via Phone)"
method call sender=:1.814 -> dest=:1.770 serial=9 path=/org/freedesktop/Notifications; interface=org.freedesktop.Notifications; member=Notify
string "com.willhauck.linconnect"
string "/home/enjoy/.cache/linconnect-server/icon_cache_a6d4083a519f81b62deaed065ab3dafc.png"
string "+42190XXXXXXX(Slovakia)"
string "3 missed calls (via Phone)"
Is there any other way how to grab notifications from the whole gnome system which are more read-friendly (csv file)? Or how to parse this log to make CSV output like this?
date +"%T";AppName;Icon(link);String1;String2
So I suppose I need only first 4 rows after method.
Thanks for any advice
Pages: 1