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Just got the iPod Nano and I have a lot of ogg files that I want to put on it. But the nano doesn't play ogg files. How can I easy convert my ogg files to mp3 so that I can put them on the nano? I did a search on google but I could only find some programs to do the task - there must be come commandline I can use.
There are lots of such scripts floating around, because it's just a matter of converting the file to wav with sox, mplayer or whatelse and then encoding with lame - I believe someone even recently posted such converting script on the forum.
Anyway, here's one of the said scripts. Just bear in mind, that converting from a lossy format to another lossy format can have a bad impact on quality. But I guess you have no choice here ;-)
And here's the perl script.
Allright - maybe I should just have searched for script on google instead of "ogg to mp3 linux"
But I installed the script and I am using it in nautilus - it works great thanks.
Pages: 1