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Pages: 1
until now amule ran fine (that means good connection to servers).
until an complete upgrade of my system:
- first i took very long (30 secs) to connect to a server wich happend in 3 seconds before
- if i try to download the server-met-file i get an "could not open file /home/..." error
- the arrows upon the globe are yellow or orange - not green (wich means i get a low id) and i get very few resources to download (my firewall in pppoe was "standalone-machine" all the time)
- the amule sign in the tray is now yellow rather than brown
any ideas?
Are you sure this problem is related to an upgrade? I think it might be someting else ....
Those anti-piracy b*stards took the Razorback server offfline. Incidently, the server.met file which is hosted on was also on the Razorback servers. Because Razorback normally hosted over a MILLION users on the edonkey network, the other servers are overloaded and its just a big mess. See the following link for more details:
last 2 problems seem to have kind of dissapeared...
but it's not only razorback that i can't connect's all servers
Pages: 1