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#1 2014-11-08 03:54:56

Registered: 2010-09-13
Posts: 116

[SOLVED] Black screen after boot


I've been running Arch for a while now successfully, and decided to give Windows 10 a go, so I installed it on the side. Naturally, Windows overwrote the Grub2 bootloader, but I knew that was going to happen.

So after playing with Windows 10 for a while, I decided to go back to Arch. I put in the Arch Live CD, chrooted into my Arch installation, and ran the grub-install commands

# grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck=/dev/sdc
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Grub reported no errors, other than something "invading" block 32. But nevertheless reported "success".

I reboot, and sure enough Grub is there, but when I try to load Arch, the first time I got a message that it was re-checking the /dev/sdc3 (which is where Arch is installed, /dev/sdc2 is where Windows is) because it's mount time is "in the future". That check ran for about 10 seconds, then proceeded with "normal" boot. The problem is... I see the message "/dev/sdc3 is clean" after which the SDDM (former KDM, the display manager) should load.

But all I see is black screen (not screen turned off, just black). I tried going to tty's (Alt+F1 to F5), but couldn't. I erased the Xorg.0.log (through another chroot) and rebooted with the same problem, then accessed the log later only to find them empty. I tried disabling SDDM and enabling GDM which I had installed, same problem.

What could it be? I don't even know where to look, as I don't really see any error messages anywhere.


Last edited by Deusdies (2014-11-08 04:54:46)

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#2 2014-11-08 04:54:36

Registered: 2010-09-13
Posts: 116

Re: [SOLVED] Black screen after boot

Once again duck programming, err, problem solving to the rescue.

I chrooted again and removed the nvidia drivers and disabled sddm. Installed xf86-video-noevau drivers and rebooted. This time I was greeted with tty1. Success!

Did some more fiddling, but I think it was the SDDM that was the culprit. I uninstalled it, and installed LightDM (with kde-greeter). Enabled the lightdm using systemctl, also removed the noevau with nvidia (back to proprietary), rebooted, and voila, it works! I am greeted with the login screen.

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