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I just installed gftp. When I tried to connect to a remote site using ssh, I saw that it wouldn't work. After going to the command line, I realized that openssh was not installed with gftp. Since gftp allows for ssh tunneling, I believe that gftp should be dependent on openssh.
Why should people who don't want to use gftp with ssh be forced to get openssh? Keeping it optional is a good idea.
I am a gated community.
Here's the relevant quote from the Arch Packaging Standards:
Any optional dependencies that aren't needed to run the package or have it generally function shouldn't be included, but a warning message inside the .install file should echo something like: "To enable SMB support, download the Samba package."
Strictly speaking, the gftp install should have displayed a message about ssh usage - if it bothers you enough, post a feature request.