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This is pretty complex of a topic. Basically I have one internet connection which uses one cable internet connection and a router using dd-wrt. Currently the computer receives a single static IP address from the dd-wrt router which is then connected to the cable modem.
What I would like to do is set up virtual interfaces (for example eth:0, eth:1, eth:2) and then make use of a solution such as Tinyproxy which has the BINDSAME keyword:
If this boolean parameter is set to yes, then Tinyproxy will bind the outgoing connection to the IP address of the incoming connection that triggered the outgoing request.
This should then in theory allow me to bind each virtual interface to a static IP address which could then be assigned a specific QoS priority at the dd-wrt router. Then I can simply use tiny proxy which binds to the individual IP to use the internet connection with the proper QoS.
Before I mess around with this does this seem logical and possible to you? I've done something like this before (without the QoS) on a Debian server remotely hosted but never on a home desktop with Arch.
From reading it would seem I should go with netctl for this:
For those curious the reason for doing this is because the dd-wrt QoS isn't fine tuned enough to differentiate between traffic sources for me. For instance if I upload a youtube video it completely saturates the upstream connection making browsing difficult. I can't simply assign http or https a certain QoS then because this is the same class for normal browsing and uploading on Youtube. So I would like to set a special browser to use the tinyproxy bound to a a virtual interface/IP which is marked as a lower priority. (Or if you have a better idea please share too. )
edit: my apologies as I just realized perhaps this should have went in the networking section? I will let the mods handle it if so.
Last edited by davidm (2014-11-13 20:13:23)