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#1 2014-11-07 14:16:54

Registered: 2014-11-07
Posts: 14

unstable wifi driver - should I try ndiswrapper?

I am using 3.17.2-1-ARCH with Antergos on my Lenovo 13 and experience connection drops with some wifi networks (wifi symbol says I am still connected).
Should i try ndiswrapper to get a stable connection and if yes, how do I revert to the driver I am using at the moment in case something goes wrong?

More detailed description of the problem in case someone has other suggestions I could try:
I tested the connection with 2 wireless networks.
Network A seems to work fine. The speed is not as good as with windows but its stable.
However with Network B the connection drops every few minutes and only works again after turning the wifi off and on. I had the same issue with Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 (windows or other wireless modules have no issue with the network).
Using wicd instead of the networkmanager didn't solve the issue.


#2 2014-11-07 15:27:20

Registered: 2012-07-01
Posts: 189

Re: unstable wifi driver - should I try ndiswrapper?

This forum is for arch linux questions only, and since you are using a derivative you question should really be posted on the Antergos forums.

That said, I'm not one to decline help when someone needs it.

Try the troubleshooting for your card here steps here.

What wireless card do you have? What driver are you using? What do the logs say when you have issues?


#3 2014-11-07 15:54:41

Registered: 2014-11-07
Posts: 14

Re: unstable wifi driver - should I try ndiswrapper?

Correct me if I am wrong but since the driver I am using is included in the Kernel, the problem I have would not be any different if I would be using pure Arch (So far as I understood, Antergos is only a graphical installer for Arch).

'dmesg | grep firmware' returns

 rtl8723au: Loading firmware rtlwifi/rtl8723aufw_B.bin 

At the moment I don't have the opportunity to test my card with the troublesome wireless network but I will post some logs when I can.

What about trying ndiswrapper?


#4 2014-11-07 16:16:24

From: Belgium
Registered: 2008-06-22
Posts: 1,490

Re: unstable wifi driver - should I try ndiswrapper?

d33p_th0ught wrote:

Correct me if I am wrong but since the driver I am using is included in the Kernel, the problem I have would not be any different if I would be using pure Arch (So far as I understood, Antergos is only a graphical installer for Arch).

Maybe you do not use the same kernel. Moreover the procedure will vary according to your derivative. Original Archlinux does not come with a predefined GUI or desktop and usually favour the command line. We do not have a clear idea of how you were using the driver. You mentioned netrworkmanager, but how do you handle it? from the command line? from some applet in some Desktop? Which one? All of that can matter and is maybe predefined in some Archlinux derivative but not in the original Archlinux.

I answer as if you were using pure Archlinux.

I do not remember the exact syntax to use ndiswrapper (I believe it is ndiswrapper -i <windows driver>) but you probably need to blacklist the original driver in order to use ndiswrapper, otherwise you will have two drivers for the same device. How do you revert to the original driver? Simply remove the Windows driver, ndiswrapper and unblacklist the original driver. It is advisable to disable network manager and encryption and use the command line tool iwconfig to do tests. Now, I have no idea if ndiswrapper would be more stable. All that I can say it is that ndiswrapper is a ugly hack that do not favour stability, because you are running a windows driver inside the Linux kernel, which was not the intended purpose of the original driver. Anyway this ugly hack might be useful sometimes.

Last edited by olive (2014-11-07 19:12:38)


#5 2014-11-18 01:14:19

Registered: 2014-11-07
Posts: 14

Re: unstable wifi driver - should I try ndiswrapper?

Just a short update:
I seemed to "resolve" the issue by using the driver from aur/dkms-8723au-git.
I have no idea why.


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