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#1 2014-11-16 23:22:20

Registered: 2013-07-16
Posts: 105

[SOLVED]No sound under linux, works fine under Windows

Hello everyone. This is a completely new issue, and I've not had to deal with figuring out audio on linux before, so I was hoping that someone can help me try to resolve this issue, and I can learn more about my system in the process.

Up until a few days ago, my audio was working perfectly fine on Arch. Nothing changed, that I can remember, that might be the cause of the audio suddenly stopping.

alsamixer shows that all volume is turned up, I've turned up the volume on my speakers, and pulseaudio pavucontrol shows that sound is being played, and it shows that the correct sound card is selected. Still, no sound. It doesn't work with headphones either.

If, in pavucontrol, I change the playback device to my HDMI out, sound comes out properly thought that.

When I dualboot into Windows, all sound works fine, headphones and speakers.

What might I need to look in to here? What information would help you to help me figure out what's going on?

Thank you in advance for your help and your patience.

[SOLVE] was deleting the pulseaudio configuration and letting them be remade.

Last edited by Somnus (2014-11-19 21:56:03)


#2 2014-11-17 00:21:37

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: [SOLVED]No sound under linux, works fine under Windows

Do you mean no sound at all, no matter what application and what media do you play or e.g. just videos on some website when you use the latest firefox?
You can post the list of packages you installed or updated recently.
Anything interesting in dmesg, systemd's journal or some other logs?
If you start an audio application from the terminal, does it print any useful info on why there's no sound?


#3 2014-11-19 05:50:15

Registered: 2013-07-16
Posts: 105

Re: [SOLVED]No sound under linux, works fine under Windows

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond.

No, no sound at all will play, no matter what the application or media type.

The only thing I'd recently done was install xfce4 so that I could try to set my Keyboard's volume wheel (Logitech G510) so that it would work. It didn't work however, and I've since removed xfce4. I honestly dont' know if the sound stopped working before or after I tried this though.

dmesg doesn't show anything in particular to my untrained eye, but after rebooting, trying to play a youtube video to test the sound, and checking journalctl, I do see this:

Nov 19 00:43:42 arch pulseaudio[766]: Unable to load mixer: Invalid argument
Nov 19 00:43:47 arch pulseaudio[766]: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files

Also, starting audio from the terminal doesn't show anything useful.


#4 2014-11-19 07:48:23

From: my computer
Registered: 2007-08-19
Posts: 1,523

Re: [SOLVED]No sound under linux, works fine under Windows

Did you look at this point of the wiki?
But even previous paragraphs of that would guide you.
As you're using pulseaudio then see this wiki too.

Last edited by TheSaint (2014-11-19 07:50:39)

do it good first, it will be faster than do it twice the saint wink


#5 2014-11-19 21:55:31

Registered: 2013-07-16
Posts: 105

Re: [SOLVED]No sound under linux, works fine under Windows

Ignoring your seemingly passive agressive attitude "TheSaint," the problem seemed to be something in my pulseaudio configuration. When I deleted it and rebooted, the I now have sound again. Thank you both for your help.


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