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Pan is yet another simple package manager written from scratch in Bash. I used it to build a (pure) wayland OS, using a recipe collection(inspired by archlinux) that can be found here . A basic recipe looks like this:
d=('glibc' 'pcre' 'texinfo')
build() {
./configure --prefix=/usr
make DESTDIR=$pkg install
rm -f $pkg/usr/share/info/dir
Last edited by ahcaliskan (2015-05-27 18:40:39)
(n: name, v: version, s: section, u: url. $usr: /usr, $shr: /usr/share paths are configured and located in /etc/distro)
There is no documentation, so you have to rely on the code.
Why use obscure variable names that we need defined? Especially when you say there is not documentation and we should rely on the code. Why not just name those variables name, version, section, and url?
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
And I believe it is an evolution from an old project of yours? It looks better, then.
However, I'm curious: why did you bother to write it? It was an exercise? Maybe for testing (and improving) your bash skills?
Last edited by thiagowfx (2014-11-30 18:07:07)
Trilby: As you see, it is shorter to use obscure variable names. I've thought of using: program, version, section etc, but they are too long and inefficient when you're creating hundreds of recipe files. You can fork the source and rename the recipes if you like.
thiagowfx: You're right that distro originates from cheflex. Distro is more optimized and has better bash scripts than cheflex. The reason why I created cheflex and distro is to prove myself that I can manage an OS with simple tools. It has made me learn a lot about linux and programming. I share my efforts knowing that there might be someone interested in using it or just studying it. I'm not an advanced bash programmer, but I've improved my bash skills creating these projects of mine. I encourage everyone to do the same, just for the sake of learning and sharing the results.
Btw, cheflex was born in Brazil, knowing that bad internet connection could be overcome with source-binary package management system, ie internet efficient approach. Having a good internet connection makes you forget that you need to save the source files along the packages you've created.
Pan 0.9.8 is out. Pan is formerly known as distro.