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#1 2011-03-01 14:35:02

Registered: 2011-01-25
Posts: 13

Software for Creating Data Flow Diagrams .i.e developing softwares

i recently switched to archlinux from ubuntu.there is ubuntu there was tdfd for creating Data Flow Diagrams but i am not able to find any alternative for archlinux.
Could anyone suggest me the software to be used.



#2 2011-03-01 15:02:10

Registered: 2010-04-03
Posts: 81

Re: Software for Creating Data Flow Diagrams .i.e developing softwares

There is dia, which is fairly good. I use yEd - but doesn't have a lot of "true" flowchart blocks. Chances are if a software works on ubuntu, it'le work on arch. Can't find the program u are talking about though.


#3 2011-03-01 17:25:26

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,951

Re: Software for Creating Data Flow Diagrams .i.e developing softwares

I'm kind of partial to UMLet, available at community/umlet for the stand alone version.  There is also a nice Eclipse plug-in version available in the AUR.

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#4 2011-03-01 18:24:03

From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 4,092

Re: Software for Creating Data Flow Diagrams .i.e developing softwares

rp181 wrote:

Can't find the program u are talking about though.

I can't find it either. Pratgeek, what was the name of the application you used in Ubuntu? Is there a website for it?


#5 2011-03-01 19:53:33

From: Santiago, Chile
Registered: 2010-03-26
Posts: 335

Re: Software for Creating Data Flow Diagrams .i.e developing softwares

I recommend using some IDE like eclipse or netbeans with their respective UML plugins. You can create any kind of diagram and generate some code out of it. Also, both Netbeans and Eclipse supports almost all the important programming languages. You can grab them all from community or AUR.
Good Luck!


#6 2014-12-04 13:52:06

From: Kyiv, Ukraine
Registered: 2014-02-05
Posts: 382

Re: Software for Creating Data Flow Diagrams .i.e developing softwares

Pratgeek wrote:

i recently switched to archlinux from ubuntu.there is ubuntu there was tdfd for creating Data Flow Diagrams but i am not able to find any alternative for archlinux.
Could anyone suggest me the software to be used.

drcouzelis wrote:
rp181 wrote:

Can't find the program u are talking about though.

I can't find it either. Pratgeek, what was the name of the application you used in Ubuntu? Is there a website for it?

probably a kind of necrobump, but i've been searching for flowchart drawing software, and found this topic.
well, mentioned tdfd is the part of software suite called TCM available at least in debian/ubuntu.
it appears to be really old, i could found only user guide and ubuntu/debian package pages on the web, but it appears to be working quite well.

i've installed it on my ubuntu machine just half an hour ago, but it seems to be at least worth to play with, and i'd even make a PKGBUILD if i like it.

— love is the law, love under wheel, — said aleister crowley and typed in his terminal:
usermod -a -G wheel love


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