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my resolv.conf isn't empty, there was some stuff hiding at the top. Mentioned it before
I'll try those nameservers though
I"m just a bit confused by this. My network has always been the one thing that has worked. Wondering if it's more than just a config setting
Hmm from windows I just tried ipconfig /all and says my DNS server is (correct if going through a network?) and DNS suffix is
So windows has the same settings?
What happens when you pacman -Sy pacman right now?
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
Right now it says it's the up to date version
I'm guessing because it can't download the latest list of packages so as far as pacman knows it has the lastest version
why can I ping websites but not access the ftps? If I could figure that out I might be able to get somewhere
Really don't wanna go back to slackware :-s
With this dns ip means that you are behind a nat and probably also a firewall.
From windows can you connect to ftp?? If not it is very possible that nat/firewall is bloking port 21.
Man I think you've got it
Just tried to connect to a few ftps on port 21 and it says connection refused. How did that happen? Time to check settings I believe.
Put again the ! before gateway, when you use dhcp is setted automatically the the dhcp clent.
Alrighty, cheers. Just tryna figure out what has gone wrong with my firewall...bloody Norton. Can't figure out how to open this port and why it is closed in the first place.
Sure i'll get there though. Thanks
Right well it's definately Norton Firewall doing it, the piece of junk. I disabled it and ftp access worked, through windows anyway. But I can't figure out how it's blocking it, cause as far as I know it shouldn't be...and it wasn't before.