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what kind of tools and environment programmer have and use for example. if you are web developer what kind of tools you use,service, how you develop your project what you should manually do while creating environment for project.
What are you trying to do specifically, im guessing just in general?
I usually do web development and python programming, primarily for most dev enviroments all you need is a good text editor and some kind of versioning control.
And its really just the programmers preference my advice is really just my way of doing things.
First of keep your projects well organised and separated it can really help and now on to my tools of the trade so to speak
Atom Editor [] []
~ my current preferred editor, I jumped between many; so far this has been the best fit to my needs. You can pretty much use even the most simplest of editors but it saves time and can really make your life easier if you go with something that works for you instead of you working for it. There are editors more tailored for specific languages so really just experiment.
Git [pacman -S git]
~ version control, while not necessary when you really start to push your skills and change things up with you projects there will be cases where you wish you can undo a days work. Of course you can just make a copy of a project as a backup.
python [pacman -S python]
~ python programming, obviously pick a programming language you like. I just throw this one in cause in general its as great language to start off with in my opinion.
php [pacman -S php]
~ web development, you could install a whole webserver but if you're just developing you can get away with php’s inbuilt dev web server “php -S localhost:8080”. php is the common language use for web programming there are others but anyway.
database server, A lot of projects need a way to store data especially with web development I usually use postgresql [pacman -S postgresql] but mysql or mariadb [pacman -S mariadb] is probably the more common.
Im not really going to go into tutorials, there are plenty out there that can do a much better job than I.
Last edited by BRAXS69 (2014-12-15 03:48:41)
thanks for your advice and your time
I am trying to make an environment ready for programmers and especially for new commer on programming. But i am asking on general preference and suggest from other because how i work and develope doesnt mean everybody do like me i am trying to make it a little bit general and make it easy for new commer on programmin to have simple environment for example :
If he want to be web developer and want to learn PHP he doesnt really care about apache, url, services he just want to try something and watch result, new comer cant understand if they dont see what is going on so for that if they try to configure php apache blla blla he will left programming, in my case of student what i see if they have some kind of good environment and easy developemnt can become good programmer. (This mean they will have will of fire to learn programming and understand world of programming).
Developer : If web developer or other programmer would have ready enviroment without needing to install anything i hope this will help all, as i said before having ready environment will help to develop faster and learn easier. I am starting this by my experience. While i make environment and start programming its takes time and isnt organized project manager if you have a lot of project and notes this will be messy, by this i see some way that i need an environment ready with those thing and when you have it just start programming and have organized project.
Im not really going to go into tutorials, there are plenty out there that can do a much better job than I.
this is what i mean too having directly practice maybe will be goood for all not just learn learn learn and when you try to do something to have a lot of problem, if we minimized those kind of problem lot of people will enjoy programming and programmer too will enjoy because of environment.
Offering some primary:Web Development tools, Environment development tools, frameworks,stress testing......
I hope its good idea but i am collecting some kind of data.
Last edited by m3tal (2014-12-15 08:06:35)
If he want to be web developer and want to learn PHP he doesnt really care about apache, url, services he just want to try something and watch result
If he wants to be a good web developer, he'll definitely want to care about Apache and other such things. If he doesn't want to take the time to read and get it working, he doesn't have the metal to be a good (web) developer. If all he wants is to tinker and see results, maybe he needs to consider just being a web designer. Around here, at least, those are the guys that know CSS/HTML/ some JavaScript and make web sites pretty. (<-- This is not belittling them -- they are AWESOME at that job. They just aren't developers in the true sense.)
Note: I don't think the potential web developer needs to know EVERYTHING about Apache -- just enough to get a site going is fine. But knowing enough to get a site going is good knowledge for a web developer to have. Otherwise they're just like many (not all) Visual Basic developers -- they don't know how a machine works, but they can drag things on a form and get something to work. Supporting it is a nightmare, and they really don't understand software development.
"It is very difficult to educate the educated."
Last edited by ackt1c (2022-11-05 12:54:44)
If he wants to be a good web developer, he'll definitely want to care about Apache and other such things
Of course being a good programmer must learn thinks on details but when beginners start learning programming they dont know to much about those kind of things, so they just want to watch result as beginner and by the time they will learn rest of things in details. Thank you
Read the wiki,
PostgreSqlMainly get your localhost opened up on port 80 and allowing remote access.
There are some great examples,Wordpress
FluxBB(Bulletin Board of Arch)
Thank you for thos kind of suggestion
... new comer cant understand if they dont see what is going on ...
I fully agree with this idea, but it can lead to very different conclusions. For me this is one of the main reasons to advise against any form of IDE. I second the recommendation for a good text editor and a revision control system. I prefer vim and git. But there are other great options for each of these.
I could do all of my coding work on any system at all as long as there is a terminal emulator, git, and vim. (A ssh client is also a real plus for much of what I do, but that's a bit outside the scope of this thread's question).
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
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