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#1 2005-12-06 22:15:17

From: Sydney
Registered: 2005-10-03
Posts: 50

Corrupt Packages after pacman -Syu ?

This is a copy of my pacman -Syu

At the end it shows corrupt packages, is this right?

thanks for any help ,

[root@myhost cliff]# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
shadowhand               [################] 100%       5K     1.0K/s  00:00:05
testing                  [################] 100%       5K    20.3K/s  00:00:00
current                  [################] 100%      47K    54.7K/s  00:00:00
extra                    [################] 100%     222K    34.5K/s  00:00:06
unstable                 [################] 100%       3K    15.9K/s  00:00:00
community                [################] 100%      33K    31.8K/s  00:00:01

Targets: acroread-7.0.1-1 akode-20051122-1 aspell-0.60.4-1 audacity-1.2.4-1
         bind-9.3.1-5 blackbox-0.70.1-1 control-center-2.12.2-1 cups-1.1.23-5
         curl-7.15.0-1 cvs-1.11.21-1 dialog-1.0-4 docbook-xsl-1.69.1-1
         doxygen-1.4.5-1 eel-2.12.2-1 enchant-1.2.0-1 epiphany-1.8.3-2
         ethereal-0.10.13-1 evolution-data-server- exim-4.60-1
         fribidi-0.10.7-1 gail-1.8.8-1 gaim-1.5.0-3 gcc-4.1.0-1 glibmm-2.8.2-1
         gnome-applets-2.12.2-1 gnome-desktop-2.12.2-1 gnome-panel-2.12.2-1
         gnutls-1.3.0-1 gnome-vfs-2.12.2-2 gpgme-1.1.0-1 gtk-engines-2.6.6-1
         gtk2-2.8.8-1 hdparm-6.3-1 icewm-1.2.23-1 imagemagick-6.2.5-1
         initscripts-0.7.1-15 kdebase-3.5.0-4 kdelibs-3.5.0-3
         kdemultimedia-3.5.0-3 kdepim-3.5.0-3 kdesdk-3.5.0-3 kdeutils-3.5.0-3
         lcms-1.15-1 lftp-3.3.4-1 libogg-1.1.3-1 libsoup-2.2.7-2
         libvorbis-1.1.2-1 libwnck-2.13.2-1 libxklavier-2.0-3 lsof-4.76-1
         mesa-6.4.1-1 metacity-2.12.2-1 naim-0.11.8-1 nautilus-2.12.2-1
         nautilus-cd-burner-2.12.2-1 nfsidmap-0.11-1 nmap-3.93-1 nspr-4.6-3
         pango-1.10.2-1 parted- pcre-6.4-1 php-5.1.1-2 pine-4.64-1
         poppler-0.4.2-2 rar-3.5.1-1 ripperx-2.6.7-1 streamtuner-0.99.99-3
         tin-1.7.10-1 transcode-1.0.2-1 udev-076-2 vorbis-tools-1.1.1-1
         whois-4.7.10-1 wvstreams-4.2.1-1 xchat-2.6.0-2 xine-lib-1.1.1-1
         xscreensaver-4.23-1 yelp-2.12.2-1

Total Package Size:   266.0 MB

Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] y

checking package integrity...
error: archive acroread-7.0.1-1.pkg.tar.gz is corrupted
error: archive bind-9.3.1-5.pkg.tar.gz is corrupted
error: archive cups-1.1.23-5.pkg.tar.gz is corrupted
error: archive gcc-4.1.0-1.pkg.tar.gz is corrupted


#2 2005-12-06 23:13:35

Forum Fellow
From: Charlotte, NC
Registered: 2005-01-29
Posts: 2,736

Re: Corrupt Packages after pacman -Syu ?

try commenting testing and/or unstable repo. Some of the packages have the same name (because they are being tested to move into current or extra) therefore md5sums will differ if two the same package exists.


#3 2005-12-07 01:23:58

From: Sydney
Registered: 2005-10-03
Posts: 50

Re: Corrupt Packages after pacman -Syu ?

Penguin wrote:

try commenting testing and/or unstable repo. Some of the packages have the same name (because they are being tested to move into current or extra) therefore md5sums will differ if two the same package exists.

Ok thanks I'll give that a go.


#4 2006-03-14 16:40:11

Registered: 2005-12-24
Posts: 10

Re: Corrupt Packages after pacman -Syu ?

I get this alot too. I was wondering what caused this. I was thinking it was an error with pacman. It looks exactly like a corruption due to downloading a binary file in ASCII mode with ftp. That will corrupt a tar.gz sometimes. Usually I comment out all ftp repos in current, extra, and community....testing only uses one server though and it's ftp.


#5 2006-03-14 19:38:54

From: Netherlands, Europe
Registered: 2005-10-04
Posts: 13,357

Re: Corrupt Packages after pacman -Syu ?

#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u

Remove the # on this line in /etc/pacman.conf and ftp will work very reliable and fast.

Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.

clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky


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