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I ripped some television episodes from DVD, 22 mins each at a bit too high quality, they're 500-700MB each. I would like to free up some of that space, any idea what a one-line mencoder or transcode or whatever command would be to shrink them down a bit? I tried the man pages for the above, but they just confuse the hell out of me.
It depends on what resolution they are in (or what you want them to be in) but you could do something like:
transcode -i input.avi -y xvid -F d -E 44100 -b 128 -Z 624x352,fast -o output.avi
You might also want to check out avidemux. It's very easy to use and everything is gui based so you dont have to worry about command line parameters. It's in extra so just run a pacman -S avidemux to get it.
try a vist to Simplerip for quick generation of a one liner.
I use
- noskip
--vf harddup
-vf scale
-xy 640
-ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=1000
-oac mp3lame -lameopts mode=2:cbr:br=128:vol=0
infile -o outfile
for quick recodes