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Dear all,
I'm trying to install arch linux on my machine. I have create a live usb using imagewriter.
I boot from that live usb. When it reach the root prompt then the screen get blackout after a few second.
I'm using arch iso version 2015.02.01 and using ATI Radeon 4850 on my machine.
I've tried to boot with adding nomodeset to kernel params but the result is still the same.
Can someone help me out? Thanks.
Try burning the ISO using the `dd` command instead. … a#Using_dd
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Thanks for the the reply. I've created a new live usb using dd.
Actualy, the problem still appear. But, when the root prompt showed up and the screen got black out, i try to run dmesg and suddenly the screen blackout gone.
I just wondering what's the actual problem. Is this a bug or something else?
Btw, should I mark this thread as solved or not?
Does the screen go blank again every time you reboot?
It could have been a hardware failure.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Yap, the screen goes blank everytime I reboot. And also, when I try to configure wifi using wifi-menu, when exiting the wifi-menu, the screen goes blank.
I need to run dmesg and the blank screen gone. Maybe because dmesg showing alot of output and scroll the screen, so it made the blank screen.
But after run dmesg the screen doesn't get blank.
Se what got to say the logs, journalctl first.
do it good first, it will be faster than do it twice the saint