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I've looked into copying the device nodes out, however at the time of the initramfs, the root filesystem is read only.
In the meantime, you can use an initrd, on ArchCK, however you loose your splash theme if you have one. See the configuration of an encrypted filesystem here to know how to do that: … and_ArchCK
I'm in no hurry to make large changes to mkinitramfs as there is an entirely new klibc based setup coming soon from phrakture.
Ah, I didn't realise there was a new system coming soon. I am satisfied for the time being to use the vanilla kernel and initrd and can wait for phraktures new system. Any ideas on when it might be available?. Thanks for looking into copying the device nodes out.
As there is a new system coming is there any way I can close the bug report I opened or does a dev need to do that?
To be honest with you I can live without archck for now. Being able to pacman -Syu and update my kernel without having to edit any scripts is more of a benefit to me than the benefits of archck. I am willing to wait. I do not understand though why changing mkinitramfs would affect people that use a custom kernel and don't use initramfs.
Will we see an arch package or AUR pkg for archcks?
I'm in no hurry to make large changes to mkinitramfs as there is an entirely new klibc based setup coming soon from phrakture.
Not that klibc is a bad thing or anything but from what I've read I was under the impression you could use switch_root from busybox to setup the real root then exec /sbin/init.
Just curious...