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#1 2006-03-04 04:27:24

Registered: 2006-01-09
Posts: 198

Xorg7 upgrade Stand Together My Brothers (and Sisters)

I have heard (read) about how many ppl are having trouble w/ xorg 7 ..and i just wanted to give moral support and tell everyone to hang in daring. I did it and ive been using linux sine last like 6 months... with nvidia..try moving the nvidia modules to where the new xorg looks for modules....that fixed it for me...also however i had accdentally deleted when i reinstalled i didnt install the old xorg and upgrade i went straight for the xorg7 (this was while xorg7 was in testing...yes im a daredevil) and that solved the problem i had b4 with gnome not detected icons and ..etc. so that might be good if u can make that option ....hmmm also for those of u who have not taken the dive yet....i would make sure that i had links or some text based internet browser... lol it might come in handy. So basically hang in there friends....and together we will make it through these hard times....(actually it took me like a day...and i was watching tv at the same not bragging im just saying that perhaps we sometimes over think the problem and hence an idiot like me can do it while smarter ppl with wayyyyy more experiace look for "deeper" reasons for why xorg7 is not working....

In this land of the pain the sane lose not knowing they were part of the game.



#2 2006-03-19 06:22:55

Registered: 2006-01-19
Posts: 10

Re: Xorg7 upgrade Stand Together My Brothers (and Sisters)

I tried upgrading from xorg6 to xorg7.
Found a HowTo explaining what to do, and all I ended up getting for my troubles was a borked Xserver.
Not sure if it was my fault or not.
Reinstalled, went for Xorg7 to start with, and now everything works great.

Into the great wide open without a clue
Registered Linux user 375921 is your friend to find stuff.


#3 2006-03-19 12:38:10

Registered: 2006-01-09
Posts: 198

Re: Xorg7 upgrade Stand Together My Brothers (and Sisters)

budman7 wrote:

I tried upgrading from xorg6 to xorg7.
Found a HowTo explaining what to do, and all I ended up getting for my troubles was a borked Xserver.
Not sure if it was my fault or not.
Reinstalled, went for Xorg7 to start with, and now everything works great.

yes IMHO it is much better to just back up and reinstall for this xorg upgrade because so much has changed hopefully for the next one everything will go much smoother..(more smoothly?) Its the only way I could get mine to work

In this land of the pain the sane lose not knowing they were part of the game.



#4 2006-03-19 14:27:02

From: Poland
Registered: 2005-10-12
Posts: 352

Re: Xorg7 upgrade Stand Together My Brothers (and Sisters)

Lately I made a install of Arch on a separate partition to see how easy it is, just for kicks wink

Well... if you're wise enough and know about the bumpy upgrade path from Xorg 6.8 to Xorg 7), you skip xorg and install it later on using pacman and the net repos. But I wanted to see how hard would it be for someone not used to arch... and it didn't work that well.

Is there any way we could expect the devs to publish a 0.7.2/0.8 install disc? That'd be lovely.


#5 2006-03-19 20:18:34

Registered: 2006-01-09
Posts: 198

Re: Xorg7 upgrade Stand Together My Brothers (and Sisters)

it seems the devs. dont think its neccessary right now...or they just dont have time...most arch users are fairly advanced and have used linux b4 new ways...that being said i do absolutly agree with u but i guess we will have to wait...currently im trying out FC5 and it is amazing

In this land of the pain the sane lose not knowing they were part of the game.



#6 2006-03-19 20:33:15

From: Hessen / Germany
Registered: 2003-12-01
Posts: 1,487

Re: Xorg7 upgrade Stand Together My Brothers (and Sisters)

you can allways install arch with the iso, and select ftp as source. You'll hava a fresh package set then.

Frumpus addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]


#7 2006-03-19 23:07:37

From: Canada
Registered: 2005-12-06
Posts: 1,718

Re: Xorg7 upgrade Stand Together My Brothers (and Sisters)

I do not know if this idea may be of help to anyone but this is what I have done to simplify my life:
1. Install Arch and set partitions for all the important directories, like this:

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/hda1             2.9G  854M  2.0G  30% /
/dev/hda2             521M                                        (swap)
/dev/hda3             4.7G  1.1G  3.6G  24% /opt
/dev/hda5             4.7G  904M  3.8G  19% /usr
/dev/hda6              16G  802M   16G   5% /home
/dev/hda7             8.9G  5.0G  4.0G  56% /hip
/dev/hdb1              19G  2.5G   17G  14% /data1 (this is a secondary HD)

2. Then I  move the programs typically installed in my home directory  into the data1 partition (secondary HD) and create simlinks to them.

3. Then I wrote a simple script that  in case of total disaster will re-install all the programs I need to function. Here is a copy of the script:



echo "==============( Updating Programs )================="
echo "Start: "

for PROGRAM in bluefish cssed eric hwd xorg kde k3b alsa-driver alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-utils alsaplayer xine-lib xine-ui libdvdcss mplayer mplayer-plugin apache php !mysql mod_python amarok-base gst-plugins-mad gstreamer amarok-engine-gst openssh acroread j2re openoffice-base openoffice-spell-en openoffice-es gaim mc xbindkeys htop gtick screen gkrellm gkrellmlaunch gkrellweather lm_sensors firestarter ntp host
echo +=========================+
echo +=========================+
sudo pacman -Sy $PROGRAM

# Programs that have trouble with the about loop

echo +=========================+
echo "Program: MS-TT Fonts"
echo +=========================+
sudo pacman -Sy ttf-ms-fonts

echo "All done!"


With that, if something goes wrong with my system (whether because I goofed of because an update went wrong), it takes me about 45 min. to restore the whole system to its functional glory.
I take the install CD (basic only) and re-install the root (/) partition /usr, /opt, /usr and then re-mount the other partitions and that's about all I have to do.
Yes, it may be a bit of extra work the first time but from there on ... its all a free ride.

Hope this helps.



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