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I'm trying use the Date or DateTime in a script, which requires that I user "import Dates" or "using Dates". However, it can't find the module. I checked the the file list on the package info list and it doesn't seem to be present. Could someone confirm that this is the case?
[edit] I can confirm that I was doing everything correctly. I switch to julia-git in AUR, and its working fine after I added the path ( push!(LOAD_PATH,"/usr/share/julia/base") ). I'd still like it if someone could confirm that I'm not just looking in the wrong place.
Last edited by nstgc (2015-02-09 00:58:01)
I am confused. Did you at some point execute the following?
Julia> Pkg.add("Dates")
If you did not, why would Julia have that module present?
I am confused. Did you at some point execute the following?
Julia> Pkg.add("Dates")
If you did not, why would Julia have that module present?
From what I had read no such thing was necessary. Can Julia go on-line and install modules by itself without root permission?
Hi, package maintainer of julia here.
Is this still a problem with the official package? If it is, please file a bug report at (or report an issue for the Julia developers at, if you think it's an upstream issue).
If there should be anything wrong with the PKGBUILD, I would be happy to try and fix it. The bugtracker makes sure the issue gets a proper follow-up and closure.
Sorry for the late reply. No, this module is still not included in the installation as far as I can tell as of today. Do know that today I merely checked "/usr/share/julia/base", however last time I checked it was no where to be seen. I also tried "julia> import Dates".
Also /usr/share/julia/base is not in the load path.
julia> LOAD_PATH
2-element Array{Union(ASCIIString,UTF8String),1}:
I don't know if this is a bug or if this version just doesn't include this package.