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To mount a directory with sshfs on another Arch system in my local net I added this to fstab:
root@ /var/cache/pacman/pkg fuse.sshfs x-systemd.automount,_netdev,user,noatime,idmap=user,transform_symlinks,identityfile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa,allow_other,default_permissions,reconnect 0 0
I need it to use a local pacman directory globally so new packages will be downloaded only once for all my Arch pc's.
This has worked for a long time but since systemd 219-1 nothing happens. Mounting it manually using fstab works. I switched back to systemd 218-2 and it works fine again.
Thanks, lw.
Last edited by LessWire (2015-03-16 14:41:09)
Same here for cifs and ntfs4 mounts in fstab. Downgrade from 219-2 to 218-2 fixes this.
Example fstab entry:
//sambaserver/myshare /home/me/server/myshare cifs x-systemd.automount,sec=ntlmv2,nobrl,user=me,password=mypw,workgroup=My.LAN 0 0
works with 218-2 but not with 219-2. Timing issue?
Manually mounting the directories on console after boot works:
mount //sambaserver/myshare
Linux is like a wigwam: No Gates, no Windows and an Apache inside
It seems to be a general problem for systemd automounts needing the network. It doesn't depend on the filesystem to be mounted.
I've seen it's already in the bugtracker.
Greets from/to Bavaria!
Offline - git bisecting would be helpful what commit made it break.
It's a feature not a bug (see discussion in bugtracker)
systemctl enable
did the trick.