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Hello Arch community!
After using arch for about a year on varous computers and in various flavours now I think it is time to say hello to the community. Thank you all for your commitment!
Hello! Hoping to become a part of the community, just registered.
Been using arch for over a year now, I love it!
Hello!, I've been using Archlinux since weeks ago, had many problems but by reading the forum I managed to find solutions and learned a lot!
Hello, joining the community now, been using arch with kde for about 2 months now!
Hello everyone, I am Aleksandar from Serbia i come from Fedora linux, whole my life i was searching for distribution like arch, without anything just waiting for you to type things to get things done. And i am happy with this, performance is awesome i think i will never return.
Finished install about 8 hours ago....set up is ready...!!! Difficult install but i feel the power of arch already!!!! Nice to meet ya!
I live at the Internet
-Edward Snowden
Hello, I am Andreson from Brazil, I did test Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Opensuse and Fedora, but Arch is incredible awesome, I am use for a month and i like so much.
That will be my distro from now on.
The wiki is fantastic and help me to do optimization for my ssd.
I am big fan of the KDE, so I use Plasma 5.
Thank you for everything.
I am sorry my bad english rsrs.
Arch Linux - Plasma 5
Hi. Peter in Denmark here.
In the late 90's I tried using Red Hat, but I really didn't see the point back then. Ever since I've tried some distros once in a while without ever "getting it". Last year I really was fed up with Windows 8 and switched to Ubuntu. Hopped around Ubuntu based distros for a few months and for the past 6 months I used Fedora and that was until a week ago. I felt that if I really wanted to understand linux I should give something like Arch Linux a try and I must say that it feels like falling in love.
The wiki and the forums are great I must say. So is the whole concept of Arch Linux. Hoping to be an Arch Linux user for years to come!
Hello everyone,
Finally got my arch system running, now customizing it. Love the rolling release system, and all the info in the ArchWiki.
Thanks to the community that makes all of this possible.
Hello everyone,
Just joined today, actually I have never used arch linux, I ended up registering because someone had mentioned the "captcha question" was unusual, and it is, so I registered to see if I could solve the question, which I did, but it is a unusual type of question. I am using Debian wheezy, now,...but it also would be interesting to experiment with arch linux, I think.
Guess that is about it for now,..
Nice to see people registering because of the captcha, instead of complaining on it.
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
I ended up registering because someone had mentioned the "captcha question" was unusual
Welcome to the forums!
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî
I just registered on the forum, I've been using Arch for about 3 months now (on macbook and raspberry). I've really enjoyed it so far !
And loved the captcha as well, but still have trouble to get how it works
And loved the captcha as well, but still have trouble to get how it works
If you have to ask...
I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces...
Look ma, no mouse.
Howdy all!
I am using Arch for a longer time now and want to be a more active member of the community.
Thanks for all the great work and I hope to give something back!
After 8 year of Linux starting with Ubuntu 6.10 and changing a lot of distros(fedora, opensuse, and other distros like these), I finally said to my self "ok, they say arch is not for noobs, I am not a noob for a lot of time" and I jumped in arch using it on my laptop(Lenovo E520 1143KG), everything works well. I never loved linux more.
много късмет на всички които могат да четат това без преводач !
So I was a Windows 7 user on my laptop which is worse than my computer that I am typing this on, then my friend suggested Linux. I started with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. The experience was borderline because I could play games but the login and suspend screen was terrible! Then, I saw Arch Linux. I decided to give it a try and installed it for the first time. I accidentally still had the usb in when I configured GRUB so there is my rookie mistake. I later learned my lesson and now I dual boot the computer with Arch Linux and Ubuntu. I am really starting to like it! I have Awesome WM and I have a conky setup that I am proud of. And finally, hello Archies! I hope I can be of use to the community in some form or fashion.
Just trying to figure things out in this world
@sesese9: is this custom computer yours or you'd like to have something like that? I'm asking beacuse that is quite nice machine. Oh, and welcome!
Hello Arch
Hello Arch
Hello you
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî
Hey there
I have been using Arch for a bit but just subbed
echo "Hello, I'm Schnappi"
echo "Check Your browser."
Oh god. "Das kleine Krokodil..." *_*
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
Oh god. "Das kleine Krokodil..." *_*
Scheiße, now I have that stupid song in my head! (The Dutch version is even more terrible!)
Welcome anyway (to everyone of course)
Last edited by runical (2015-04-02 20:12:03)
Oh hello arch users. Thx for great distro.