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Pages: 1
This is a great image viewer. I would love to see a package for it.
any link? any more info?
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
Compupic is not free sowftware so I don't think it will be included in the respitories. I took a look at the install. It is a script that untars the source and symlinks it to /usr/local/compupic. It must be run as root. A bit too messy for me.
There are lots of free image viewers in the respitories already. Gqview is my favourite.
I have used it under Gentoo a few months ago. It's kinda like Thumbs Plus in windows
have a look at pixieplus
it can be found in STAGING in the TUR's
( )
and beside it, gqview is one of the fastest viewer available
another alternative is gwenview (can be found in my TUR)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
i think that we should not include compupic since it isnt free, and is not that good to, i like gqview.
I like free, too. But gqview is not as good in my opinion or pixieplus for that matter.
Pages: 1