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I do make backups to a LUKS-encrypted HDD via rsync. For that I mount the decrypted HDD to /mnt/backup.
I use the following command in order to synchronize:
rsync -zavhP --exclude-from='/home/user/commandlinefoo/rsync/rsync.txt' --delete -b --backup-dir '/mnt/backup/deleted/' /home/user/ /mnt/backup/user
The file /home/user/commandlinefoo/rsync/rsync.txt looks like this:
- Videos/
- VirtualBox VMs/
+ .thunderbird/
+ ~/.config/chromium/
+ .vimrc
+ .git
+ .gitignore
+ *.abcde.conf
+ .config/user-dirs.dirs
+ .encfs6.xml
+ .zshrc
+ .zsh_history
+ .zshenv
+ .Xresources
+ .fonts.conf
+ .offlineimaprc
+ .netrc
+ .npmrc
- .*
My only problem: The subfolders ~/.thunderbird/ and ~/.config/chromium/ don't get synchronised. I tried all this different versions for ~/.config/chromium/:
+ .config/chromium
+ .config/chromium/
+ .config/chromium/**
+ ~/.config/chromium
+ ~/.config/chromium/
+ ~/.config/chromium/**
Same with ~/.thunderbird/. They all didn't work. The dotfiles (e.g. .zshrc) get synchronized perfectly. What am I doing wrong?
Last edited by mamr (2015-03-31 06:56:45)
for the chromium dir the following works for me:
+ .config
+ .config/chromium
- .config/*
- .*
For .thunderbird I have no idea. That should just work as for every other directory...
Thanks it does work now. Both of them. Don't know why ~/.thunderbird works but it seems I overlooked something yesterday. ~/.config/chromium does work, too. But isn't there a simpler solution?
Last edited by mamr (2015-03-31 06:55:57)