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#26 2015-04-10 20:43:43

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,426

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Please use code tags when pasting to the boards: … s_and_code

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#27 2015-04-10 23:36:20

Registered: 2015-03-17
Posts: 8

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Same issue here. Where is the official bug report so we can post/vote there?

*Edit: I am currently working around by using lightdm. using startx with the right xsession would work too.

Apr 10 16:35:15 habanero gdm[411]: GdmDisplay: display lasted 1.887258 seconds
Apr 10 16:35:15 habanero gdm[411]: Child process 560 was already dead.
Apr 10 16:35:15 habanero gdm[411]: Unable to kill session worker process
Apr 10 16:35:15 habanero gdm[411]: Child process 560 was already dead.
Apr 10 16:35:15 habanero gdm[411]: Unable to kill session worker process
Apr 10 16:35:23 habanero gdm-password][1221]: pam_unix(gdm-password:session): session opened for user matt by (uid=0)
Apr 10 16:36:16 habanero gdm[411]: Tried to look up non-existent conversation gdm-launch-environment
Apr 10 16:36:16 habanero gdm[411]: Freeing conversation 'gdm-launch-environment' with active job
Apr 10 16:36:16 habanero gdm[411]: Freeing conversation 'gdm-password' with active job
Apr 10 16:36:16 habanero gdm[411]: Failed to contact accountsservice: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.Accounts: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.systemd1.ShuttingDown: Refusi
Apr 10 16:36:16 habanero gdm-session-worker[1608]: <5>AccountsService: Couldn't create accounts proxy: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.Accounts: GDBus.Error:org.freedesk
Apr 10 16:36:16 habanero gdm[411]: GLib: g_hash_table_find: assertion 'version == hash_table->version' failed
Apr 10 16:36:16 habanero gdm[411]: (gdm-display.c:1141):gdm_display_dispose: runtime check failed: (self->priv->status != GDM_DISPLAY_PREPARED)
-- Reboot --
Apr 10 16:36:43 habanero gdm[414]: GdmDisplay: display lasted 2.392014 seconds
Apr 10 16:36:43 habanero gdm[414]: Child process 534 was already dead.
Apr 10 16:36:43 habanero gdm[414]: Unable to kill session worker process
Apr 10 16:36:43 habanero gdm[414]: Child process 534 was already dead.
Apr 10 16:36:43 habanero gdm[414]: Unable to kill session worker process
Apr 10 16:36:51 habanero gdm-password][1867]: pam_unix(gdm-password:session): session opened for user matt by (uid=0)
Apr 10 16:43:29 habanero gdm[414]: Freeing conversation 'gdm-password' with active job
Apr 10 16:43:29 habanero gdm[414]: Tried to look up non-existent conversation gdm-launch-environment
Apr 10 16:43:29 habanero gdm[414]: Freeing conversation 'gdm-launch-environment' with active job
Apr 10 16:43:29 habanero gdm[414]: Failed to list cached users: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
Apr 10 16:43:29 habanero gdm[414]: (gdm-display.c:1141):gdm_display_dispose: runtime check failed: (self->priv->status != GDM_DISPLAY_PREPARED)
-- Reboot --
Apr 10 16:44:04 habanero gdm[418]: GdmDisplay: display lasted 1.875029 seconds
Apr 10 16:44:04 habanero gdm[418]: Child process 543 was already dead.
Apr 10 16:44:04 habanero gdm[418]: Unable to kill session worker process
Apr 10 16:44:04 habanero gdm[418]: Child process 543 was already dead.
Apr 10 16:44:04 habanero gdm[418]: Unable to kill session worker process
Apr 10 16:44:12 habanero gdm-password][1293]: pam_unix(gdm-password:session): session opened for user matt by (uid=0)
Apr 10 16:53:15 habanero gdm-password][1835]: pam_unix(gdm-password:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty= ruser= rhost=  user=matt
Apr 10 16:53:32 habanero gdm-password][1838]: pam_unix(gdm-password:session): session opened for user matt by (uid=0)
Apr 10 16:53:33 habanero gdm[418]: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.692092 seconds
Apr 10 16:53:44 habanero gdm-password][1897]: pam_unix(gdm-password:session): session opened for user matt by (uid=0)
-- Reboot --

Last edited by undercoverA****** (2015-04-10 23:37:12)


#28 2015-04-10 23:44:06

Registered: 2014-09-11
Posts: 31

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

I am using the nvidia blob with my gtx 760,  does this have anything to do with this since wayland on gdm my be the issue?


#29 2015-04-11 05:31:29

Registered: 2015-01-05
Posts: 38

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Same issue here.

Any fix yet?

Do these people test these updates before publishing them? Geez...


#30 2015-04-11 06:28:25

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,426

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

theonlylawislove wrote:

Do these people test these updates before publishing them? Geez...

This presumably went through [testing] but "these people" are the volunteers that develop and contribute to this distro in their free time: you can either learn to roll with the punches or HTFU and enable [testing] yourself: whining about it here contributes nothing.

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#31 2015-04-11 14:17:19

Registered: 2014-09-11
Posts: 31

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Jasonwryan is right , arch is made by us, i did not took part on this testing round but it is safe to assume this problem did not pop up there, now that its released and more of us have tested it and found the issue, lets try and fix it (try re-installing nvidia blob, others had success with it, for me it did not work but who knows)

Last edited by guerch (2015-04-11 14:18:47)


#32 2015-04-11 14:45:46

Registered: 2014-09-11
Posts: 31

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16


#33 2015-04-12 12:59:02

From: Ulm (Germany)
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 468

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

I'm not affected (ThinkCentre M92 and ThinkPad X220). But maybe we can poke around something:

Is everyone here running linux-3.19.3-3 from Archlinux?
If not, you can't switch reliably between TTYs and finally your system will hang. If you're running a self compiled kernel or anything other, apply the patch from here:

Have you tried to delete all GNOME related dotfiles (the hidden files with a leading ".") from your home directory?
Don't delete your data! Delete only your GNOME releated settings.
In the past years GNOME seems to be reliable on upgrades and the compatibility of config and cache files. But till some early versions of the 3.xx series I was usued to delete this files on an upgrade, because GNOME or Evolution could react nasty. Here is a, maybe, not complete list of relevant directories. Please be aware, that other applications can also store stuff in this directories. Furthermore especially Evolution (Mail and Contacts) and Epiphany (Bookmarks) store their stuff also there, if possible backup your Mails, Conacts and Bookmarks:


I consequence you have to apply your settings again, but if it works it is a small effort.

Last edited by hoschi (2015-04-12 13:06:41)


#34 2015-04-12 14:04:42

Registered: 2014-09-11
Posts: 31

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Thanks Hoschi,  unfortunately as you can see in the bug report , it happens in a fresh install (full format of all partitions), i also tried various drivers, various display managers  and also the latest and the lts-kernel , all combinations to the same result,  i ran out of ideias...

Last edited by guerch (2015-04-12 14:05:56)


#35 2015-04-12 14:46:23

From: Ulm (Germany)
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 468

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Too bad. So I can only provide you with what I've done to upgrade:

As root:

1. pacman -Syu
2. pacman -S gnome gnome-extra # new packages like calendar, builder (clang) and so on
3. pacman -Qdt # what is no longer needed e.g. gtkhtml4
4. pacman -Rns $STUFF_FROM_STEP_3 # removes no longer needed stuff
5. systemctl daemon-reload # new unit files need to be loaded
6. systemctl restart gdm.service # restart gdm, be patient, this need awkward long time

Of course you could reboot after step 4 and skip 5 and 6, but rebooting is for the weak.
No special gnome-extensions from third parties are active, only packages from AUR which are unreleated (ioquake3, gottengeography), networkmanager is in use, "mkinitcpio.conf" uses "systemd" instead of "base" hook.
Hardware: Standard Intel-Stuff, no closed-source binaries.


#36 2015-04-13 18:03:46

From: Leiden, the Netherlands
Registered: 2013-12-04
Posts: 69

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

I also have this problem, with a few differences:

  1. Some people report seeing a message "Oh no! Something has gone wrong". Where is this message displayed? I don't see it.

  2. Some people report that they can "use the desktop with the super key". I'm not sure what this means. I never arrive in Gnome shell. I get kicked back to GDM after trying to log in.

  3. I also get a segfault in dmesg, but a different one:

    gnome-shell[495]: segfault at 7f2c088c4258 ip 00007f2c1b1cd0c9 sp 00007fff36d426b0 error 7 in[7f2c1b18b000+13b000]

I posted my journal logs here: … 9#p1519529

I have an NVidia card with 2 monitors + 1 TV attached, but booting with just 1 monitor does not help. I have no Wacom hardware.

None of the offered workarounds have yet worked for me. At this point I'd love to just downgrade to a bootable system, but I'm not sure how. I did not take a snapshot before my upgrade.


#37 2015-04-13 19:45:59

From: Ulm (Germany)
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 468

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

I see you are using the binary driver from Nvidia? The first thing I recommend is switching to the regular Open-Source drivers, Noveau in this case. Furthermore this doesn't look to be related anyway, X11 fails not GNOME-Settings and therefore you cannot see "Oh no...".


Last edited by hoschi (2015-04-13 19:49:43)


#38 2015-04-13 19:56:35

From: Leiden, the Netherlands
Registered: 2013-12-04
Posts: 69

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

hoschi wrote:

I see you are using the binary driver from Nvidia? The first thing I recommend is switching to the regular Open-Source drivers, Noveau in this case.

I've used Nouveau on a number of machines. So far, the official drivers have always worked for me where Nouveau would fail, especially with multi-monitor setups.

You believe that is related to the problem at hand?

Furthermore this doesn't look to be related anyway, X11 fails not GNOME-Settings and therefore you cannot see "Oh no...".

Why do you say that?

Yes, I can see some differences, but there are differences between the others too. For example, the OP (Netpilgrim) couldn't log in at all, nor see the 'oh no' message, much like myself.

(The admin who closed my original post (jasonwryan) also seems to think it was a duplicate. I hadn't found this topic yet, then.)

EDIT: In fact, I totally missed Netpilgrim's startx workaround! (put "exec gnome-session" in .xinitrc and use startx) Yay, I got my Gnome back! :-)

Last edited by mhelvens (2015-04-13 20:03:42)


#39 2015-04-14 08:44:39

From: Ulm (Germany)
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 468

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Why do you say that?

You are right! I thought, for whatever reason, this thread is only about "Oh no..." but it is really a pile of various different errors and logs.

Trial and error:
The official drivers from Nvidia are really reliable, compared with that stuff from ATI/AMD (which are even on Windows a mess for years). The drivers from Nvidia are a closed-source, binary only, from a third party, which "taint" the Linux-Kernel and are not the included drivers from Xorg. It's just a regular measure to use the Out-of-Box drivers from GNU/Linux, even as temporary workaround. Especially GDM would use Wayland with the official drivers from Xorg, not X11 for GDM.

But you can work now again and that is what matters for you! I just can poke around, because both of my machines work fine and use only Out-Of-Box drivers for Intel-Graphics.

Last edited by hoschi (2015-04-14 08:48:37)


#40 2015-04-14 08:49:56

From: Leiden, the Netherlands
Registered: 2013-12-04
Posts: 69

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

hoschi wrote:

But the drivers from Nvidia are a closed-source, binary from a third party, which "taint" the Linux-Kernel and not the "official" drivers from Xorg.

I actually agree, and I'd like to use open source solutions. It's been a while since I tried Nouveau, so I'll try again. But it'll have to wait until I can afford to lose the function of my PC for a day. ;-)


#41 2015-04-14 09:08:14

From: Ulm (Germany)
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 468

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Yeah. I understand this. My laptop* and workstation use only Intel-Graphics because the drivers are solid and I don't need much performance. In my old desktop (which I use for same games) resides still a Nvidia-Card and it always this evil choice between performance (Binary-Drivers) and a clean system with neat Kernel-Mode-Setting and Wayland (Open-Drivers) roll

* My X220, with an Intel HD4000, is fast enough for my most important games, Counter-Strike(:Source) and Quake3. Anyway, that drivers are even getting faster and the OpenGL-Level is now on 3.3, which is higher than Windows and Mac. I can't impress any of the Windows people with that, but it just delayed gratification smile
Hehe tongue

Last edited by hoschi (2015-04-14 09:09:48)


#42 2015-04-15 05:09:07

Registered: 2014-09-11
Posts: 31

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Try this,  gnome needs to boot on a single monitor (preferably your primary), just let it boot once on single monitor configuration (unplug all other monitors), reboot, plug the monitors while on gnome, reboot again, profit. (if installing from scratch, just use a single monitor, after install complete while on gnome plug the monitors, profit)   (unplug usb devices and wacom devices too)


#43 2015-04-15 05:17:29

Registered: 2010-09-10
Posts: 1

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

guerch wrote:

Try this,  gnome needs to boot on a single monitor (preferably your primary), just let it boot once on single monitor configuration (unplug all other monitors), reboot, plug the monitors while on gnome, reboot again, profit. (if installing from scratch, just use a single monitor, after install complete while on gnome plug the monitors, profit)   (unplug usb devices and wacom devices too)

Dang. I sorta gave up on this for the time being, figured I'll go see what's up with Plasma 5. Now, I think I may have to give Gnome 3.16 one more shot. Had two monitors hooked up all along with "Oh noes!" grey screen on screen 0, while screen 1 had full functionality, and I was able to get to the app menu via Super key. It briefly crossed my mind to unplug one monitor, but thought it couldn't be that simple :-) I failed Arch. Always KISS.


#44 2015-04-15 07:38:46

From: Ulm (Germany)
Registered: 2008-11-03
Posts: 468

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

My laptop has a docking station with an attached second monitor and my workstation has always to monitors connected. If removing the second monitor works, why it worked for me?

// edit
Hmm. I didn't rebooted the boxes immediately, just restarted "gdm.service"?

Last edited by hoschi (2015-04-15 07:40:38)


#45 2015-04-15 09:11:58

Registered: 2011-10-06
Posts: 106

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

FYI, i have the login issue as well, no "Oh no" message for me, just a black screen: the solution for me is to enable autologin.
With today updates i don't have input by keyboard or mouse, these are the new packages causing me new issues:

extra/gdm     3.16.1-1       0.09 MiB
extra/gnome-desktop  1:3.16.0-1   1:3.16.1-1     0.00 MiB
extra/gnome-shell    3.16.0-2     3.16.1-1       0.01 MiB
extra/libgdm   3.16.1-1       0.00 MiB
extra/mutter         3.16.0-2     3.16.1-1      -0.02 MiB

The only solution for me is to downgrade them all.

Last edited by bmanuel (2015-04-15 09:33:05)


#46 2015-04-15 10:17:04

From: London, UK
Registered: 2011-01-15
Posts: 153

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

Same here. My box would get stuck after Reached graphical target. I don''t even have the nvidia driver installed (using an optimus laptop just with the Intel).
Downgrading was the only solution. Besides the packages bmanuel commented, you have to downgrade caribou as well if you have it installed.

Athlon II X4 620 + Gigabyte 785GPM-UD2H + 4GB DDR3 + SSD OCZ Vertex2 60GB

Archlinux x86_64 + Openbox


#47 2015-04-15 11:11:43

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2013-10-22
Posts: 683

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

I update daily and my intel graphics based box (no nvidia) has been fine with GNOME 3.16. However, after the latest updates today my box just hung at bootup at "Starting User Manager for UID 1000...." I could not select any virtual consoles. I tried to boot about 8 times and it failed every time. I logged in via ssh and downgraded the following packages, rebooted, and it has been fine since.

[2015-04-15 21:00] [ALPM] downgraded mutter (3.16.1-1 -> 3.16.0-2)
[2015-04-15 21:00] [ALPM] downgraded gnome-shell (3.16.1-1 -> 3.16.0-2)
[2015-04-15 21:00] [ALPM] downgraded gdm (3.16.1-1 ->


#48 2015-04-15 11:36:08

From: Poznan/Poland
Registered: 2014-07-11
Posts: 8

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

I tried to downgrade gdm and libgdm packages only but it wasn't sufficient at least for me so I have downgraded gnome-shell too and now it works fine for a while.

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 3 20BS006DPB - Core i7 5500U / 14,1 WQHD / 8192 RAM / 512 SSD SATA PCIe / Intel HD 5500
Lenovo ThinkPad T400, model 647314G / Core2 Duo CPU  P8700@ 2.53GHz / 8 GB DDR RAM / 223,6 GiB HDD SSD OCZ-AGILITY3 / Intel GM45 Chipset


#49 2015-04-15 11:55:33

Registered: 2006-12-04
Posts: 126

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

i downgraded GDM and now i get into gnome again without a problem.

the problematic GDM package is:

i downgraded to this package:


#50 2015-04-15 12:11:32

Registered: 2015-04-15
Posts: 28

Re: GDM login no longer works after upgrade to Gnome 3.16

gdm 3.16.1-2 works well for me, and I had the crash on 3.16.1-1 previously.


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