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Using dd from installation iso (archlinux-2015.05.01-dual.iso) to clear disk on notebook with random data. After 40GB written I tried to interrupt this process (Ctrl+C), and it did stop, but system has stop responding at all (login in tty and ssh impossible).
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=4M
Anyone experienced same issue? Or it may be hardware problem?
You have written random data to /dev/sda Whatever was on it is gone.
but system has stop responding at all (login in tty and ssh impossible).
What system has stopped responding? The one that was using /dev/sda?
/dev/sda is the whole thing not just a partition.
After 40GB written I tried to interrupt this process (Ctrl+C), and it did stop
Yes but you've overwritten the first 40 GB. Everything is gone. If you want that notebook to work you'll need to install an OS.
Anyone experienced same issue? Or it may be hardware problem?
What issue, you wiped the hard drive and now the machine is dead. Or are you trying to do something else? The live iso quit? Reboot it and start over.
I am talking about system on live USB, which I use to clear data on /dev/sda, it's stopped responding, and go freeze until hardware reset and boot from live USB again…
When the live USB is booted does the hard drive you would like to wipe on /dev/sda? can you output lsblk -f ? Can you switch ttys when the system appears to stop responding? Have you tried just trying to wipe the drive with zeros ? such as:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=4k