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#26 2015-05-24 09:02:38

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,334

Re: [SOLVED] Package in group base containing systemd?

It's allright, that's why we're just giving pointers and you do the thinking. Let me summarize in clearer words:

1. systemd is not in base, one of the base packes drags it aboard.
2. You need to scan the dependency chains of each member of base recursively, until you find systemd.
2.2 The base group has 7 packages directly depending on systemd.
3. Try removing systemd with -Rs and mark everything not in base.
3.1 Make sure only base is installed.
4. You see, it all boils down to looking at each base dependency, check for systems, then check the deps of all deps recursively, but you don't want to do it manually. Use for, grep+sed|awk and comm on the pacman output (the deps array) or tools like pactree and expac.
4.1 Here, my quick&dirty first level dep scan: for i in $(pacman -Qqg base); do [[ $(pacman -Qi $i | grep -E "Depends On.*systemd") ]] && echo $i; done
5.1 On the package page is a list of all 127 packages depending on systemd. Compare this list to a base install. This can be done with cli magic or simply side by side on your screen.


#27 2015-05-25 06:04:51

Registered: 2010-07-02
Posts: 49

Re: [SOLVED] Package in group base containing systemd?

Thank you Awebb for your very detailed summary.

This has all become a lot clearer to me now.


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