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Well, I suppose I should say hello, I used to have an account on here but it went largely unused.
Just recently I decided to come back with a goal of actively contributing to the community.
A little background on myself,
I am a Computer Science major currently working as a Cloud Engineer during the day and Infosec associate at night.
Security is somewhat of a passion of mine and most of my spare time goes into research and tinkering in this area.
I look forward to contributing to the community.
#include <stdio.h>
#define C(S) void main(void){FILE*fp=fopen("output","w+");fprintf(fp,"#include <stdio.h>\n#define C(S) %s\nC(%s)\n",#S,#S);puts("output written to file");}
C(void main(void){FILE*fp=fopen("output","w+");fprintf(fp,"#include <stdio.h>\n#define C(S) %s\nC(%s)\n",#S,#S);puts("output written to file");})
Hello, I've been using ArchLinux for almost a year, and I wanted to join the forum and interact with the community. So here I am.
Last edited by jdgambin (2015-05-30 17:17:15)
Hello everyone. I have been using Arch for the last couple of months and my experience has been pretty enjoyable thanks to the excelent documentation provided at the ArchWiki. I will not be very active on the BBS, but I will try to contribute to the translation of the ArchWiki to my native language ( greek ).
Hello everybody, I'm a engineering student and I'm happy to say that I'm glad to see this amazing community encouraging new people into this OS, I'm from Colombia and I hope to be a supportive member of this community.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){
while(lifes>0){ /*Goals here*/ lifes--; } return 0; }
welcome to forums aroc
I just made the jump from UbuntuStudio to Arch. Still running Xfce :-D
I'm loving the learning experience and especially the up-to-date packages in the repos.
Never ESC:q! on your dreams!!!
Hi, everybody.
You may recognize me from asking a lot of questions on #archlinux-newbie. I'm just trying to learn!
Hi guys,
I am new to arch. I just installed it for some excitement. I just got myself into some trouble with my newly installed arch. Hope this community will provide me some good help.
Thanks for the excellent wiki and all of the hard work done by the devs and community. It took some time but being relatively new to advanced linux hacking I was able to get a pretty sweet install of Arch up and running in about a day. I feel much more empowered now. It's an awesome feeling.
Cheers guys,
Hi all,
So I'm a student studying English (& using linux - yes that combination does exist ). Started using linux last year and installed quite a few distributions so far. After installing multiple linux distros, I've finally installed Arch. Seriously find this the hardest distro to install ever. Though I've considered it before, I did it now because my little computer for school purposes crashed and reinstalling lubuntu didn't seem to work... there were some hardrive issues I think. (Yes of course after repartitioning/formating the drive with arch perhaps I could have tried it again, but anyway won't make it a long story...)
Anyway, hi everyone
Hi all,
So I'm a student studying English (& using linux - yes that combination does exist ). Started using linux last year and installed quite a few distributions so far. After installing multiple linux distros, I've finally installed Arch. Seriously find this the hardest distro to install ever.
You should never use Gentoo or LFS then.
A good way to get started is run Arch in a VM, and read the wiki like TVTropes (i.e, click all the links).
Last edited by Alad (2015-06-04 14:11:41)
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby
It's my first time installing Arch and I found it easy. Should I give Gentoo a try?
It's my first time installing Arch and I found it easy. Should I give Gentoo a try?
In all seriousness, yes. It is extremely educational. Up until a month ago I had Arch and Gentoo installed side-by-side.
The only problem with Gentoo is that an upgrade that takes 2 minutes with Pacman can literally take two days with emerge.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
It's my first time installing Arch and I found it easy. Should I give Gentoo a try?
That depends. Does your hobby involve using Linux or installing Linux?
betseg wrote:It's my first time installing Arch and I found it easy. Should I give Gentoo a try?
That depends. Does your hobby involve using Linux or installing Linux?
It's my first time installing Arch and I found it easy. Should I give Gentoo a try?
I recommend Linux From Scratch.
Jin, Jiyan, Azadî
I am using Linux since Slackware 2.
Love so much openSUSE (no much love for Ubuntu lol).
Giving to Arch Linux a serious try, with alternative Desktops (Enlightenment, Blackbox, etc).
Using linux for Illustration, Graphic/Web Design and Web Programming.
*** Sorry by my bad english!
Last edited by elvisvinicius (2015-06-05 01:54:32)
“Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication”
- Leonardo da Vinci
You should never use Gentoo or LFS then.
Good to know. I will try to evade these in the future should the temptation ever arise . thanks for the tips.
Last edited by archgeesk (2015-06-05 06:57:16)
Hey there everyone, literally just done my first successful Arch install on my laptop after being forced to use Windows 8 by my Uni.
I am going with a XFCE4 desktop with LightDM as my login.
I don't have to tell you now excellent Arch is.
Now, to install Steam and VIrtualBox and get gaming...
Hello everyone. using arch for almost a year now. I have used debian based distros in the past and finally settled for a while with crunchbang. I've tried building LFS and gentoo when i had free time but only got to the basic system with LFS and gave up with the gentoo when it turned my old lappy into a heater(emerging stuff almost overnight to get a running desktop). I got openbox lxdm and some lxde stuff on my current arch laptop atm. I'm a teacher here in the Philippines, i'm fairly versed in servicing PC's and laptops. Now i finally convinced 2 of my co-workers to use arch after 1 week of tiresome tutorials. I haven't had problems with printer drivers yet since the 2 co-workers i've conviced use canon ip2770. I use Brother HL1110 thanks to libernux for making a PKGBUILD on this thread. AUR and the forums helps a lot. Great community here. I hope i can contribute too one of these days.
Last edited by salamangkero (2015-06-07 00:59:12)
hello everyone,
Well I was looking to learn and then I found Arch. I have been using it for couple of weeks now, faltering, falling and getting up to start afresh. Just meddling and struggling with the basics right now. At the base, and a steep learning curve ahead. All in all a great ongoing learning experience.
cheers & namaste
Slowly and steadily removing cobwebs of the mind and the soul
Hello Everyone, I'm K4b6, you can call me Kyle or K4 though.
I picked arch linux because I have been using linux for about 2 years now (ubuntu), but I didn't really understand how packages worked what not to do and how linux is really built around them so I wanted to dwell deeper into how linux works pretty much tinker around see what I can get to work and what not, I feel Arch Linux really suites my tinkering needs.
I tried and gave up listing the various flavors of unix that I have tried. Some I used consistantly for years, others intermittently, and still others I dropped quickly. I may actually be settling on Arch for a while. I don't know.
I do know that I would like to give a little back at some point since I've been strictly a consumer of free OS's for a long time now.
I fell in love with the i3 WM. It turned my powerful, yet poorly designed, handmedown, laptop into something useful.
A good way to get started is run Arch in a VM, and read the wiki like TVTropes (i.e, click all the links).
Were the arch Docs done that way on purpose? I often found myself wondering through and trying different configurations out. Often I lost my original goal, just like wandering aimlessly through TVTropes, but easier to backout. If it was done that way on purpose, it was pure genious.
Alad wrote:A good way to get started is run Arch in a VM, and read the wiki like TVTropes (i.e, click all the links).
Were the arch Docs done that way on purpose? I often found myself wondering through and trying different configurations out. Often I lost my original goal, just like wandering aimlessly through TVTropes, but easier to backout. If it was done that way on purpose, it was pure genious.
Yes, glad you appreciate it.
Mods are just community members who have the occasionally necessary option to move threads around and edit posts. -- Trilby