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I would like to boot directly into a login maqnager such as xdm or wdm.
I have read the wiki on "Adding a login manager" but can't get xdm to work.
I have the following line in my /etc/inittab
x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm -nodaemon
I have the following in .xsession
/bin/bash --login -i ~/.xinitrc
But I don't have a .xinitrc file. That is probably the problem.
I would like to boot into xdm and then after logging in go to xfce4.
What do I need to do?
Remove that line from .xsession, and put in
Thanks. That did not quite do it. But I am closer. Now I get to the xdm login screen. I can type my user name and password but it always returns to the login screen. I nver get to xfce4.
(If I type a wrong password, it tells me. So I know that it is authenticating properly).
What is wrong? Why doesn't it go to the xfce4 screen?
startxfce4 tries to start the x-server, which was already started for xdm. 2 xservers is not a good idea (not in most cases, anyways). Try using 'xfce4-session' instead of 'startxfce4'.
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That made no difference. I can't see what is wrong. .xsession is an executable file.
How can I troubleshoot this? /var/log/messages etc is useless.
You should have .xsession-errors in the same directory as .xsession. Have a look at it, there may be something useful there.
Sander - startxfce4 only tries to start the server if it's not already running. If it finds a server, it starts the session only.
Thanks. That log does not show anything. However, there is a log in /var/log/xdm-errors.log. It shows:
Cannot open config file. Using builtin defaults.
FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/sg=hare/fonts/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1: fixing.
I also tried using wdm. wdm does work. But no matter what window managaer I choose, it always opens startxfce4. Strange...
But I am perplexed that I can't get xdm to work. My setup is very simple.
Here is my latest attempt:
.xsession reads:
/bin/bash --login -i ~/.xinitrc
.xinitrc reads:
Any ideas?
Try with:
exec /opt/xfce4/bin/startxfce4
in your ~/.xinitrc
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