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#1 2015-06-27 00:42:07

Registered: 2013-07-27
Posts: 91

Cmus "Daemon"

I'm trying to get more involved in the Arch community here on the forums recently, as well as adopting a package (yay!).  Today I also duct-taped the following together:

I love the cmus music player, but have longed for a way to run it as a daemon.  I ran across this post on the cmus GitHub wiki detailing how to run cmus in 'detached mode'.  So, I created a PKGBUILD to automate the process.  I didn't do anything special other than make a few modifications to the suggested script and create a link from the script to /usr/bin in order run cmus in detached mode with a single command (as opposed to first starting it in normal mode and needing to exit in order to initiate detached mode -- as suggested).  It's a pretty simple process, but I was satisfied by proud of it all coming together. 

I was going to submit the package to the AUR since I went through the trouble of making it, but didn't know if it was too simple of a process not deserving of its own install / package.  At any rate, here's the link to it on my GitHub page.  Enjoy!  Feedback and suggestions are welcomed.


#2 2015-06-27 00:54:07

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: Cmus "Daemon"

It seems tmux is more popular among archers than screen - you may want to consider that as an option.  And while I don't know screen well enough tmux can definitely do this in a single command:

tmux new-session -s cmux -d -c cmus

You can then reattach, kill, or whatever else by referring to the session name 'cmux'.

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#3 2015-06-27 01:14:00

Registered: 2013-07-27
Posts: 91

Re: Cmus "Daemon"

Thanks for the feedback Tribly.  I'll look into tmux and report back.

--- Update --- (that was quick!)

You were correct Tribly.  Tmux is a much more proficient / direct approach (I hadn't heard of it until now though).  A simple shell alias will do the trick I needed.  At least I got some practice building packages smile and solved a long standing qualm with a one-liner.

Last edited by grandtheftjiujitsu (2015-06-27 01:32:02)


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