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#1 2014-12-24 19:43:17

Registered: 2014-12-24
Posts: 2

Lenovo Y510p with NVIDIA GK107M (GeForce GT 750M) what video driver?

I've tried to get Bumblebee to work and now I am trying the Nvidia proprietary driver.  I was wondering if anyone else on here has had any success with this machine and could offer me some tips.

I've followed the instructions for the Nvidia proprietary driver on the Arch wiki and I added the Nvidia module to mkinitcpio as per a recommendation in a thread on this forum.    My output from xrandr is "can't open display".


#2 2015-07-01 11:07:40

Registered: 2008-05-08
Posts: 40

Re: Lenovo Y510p with NVIDIA GK107M (GeForce GT 750M) what video driver?

me too. when i started  X with startx, the screen flashed and then it gave me a blackscreen, keyboard was not responded either.


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