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#1 2015-07-04 18:20:36

Registered: 2015-07-04
Posts: 2

Characters cut off at edge Gnome/GDM with Canatarell font


I have got a problem with the default cantarell font in Gnome. In some cases the characters are cut off on the right edge or are overlapping (see screenshots).
I am using a Dell XPS 13 (2015).

    In Steam:
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    In Phpstorm - typed in text is "[]":
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    And most notable in the gdm lock screen:
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I already tested several kernels, several gnome and gdm versions. I also reinstalled fontconfig and cantarell-fonts and deleted old config files for these packages. I tested all font settings in the gnome-tweak-tool.
I have read the font-configuration entry in the wiki. ....
None of this had any effect.

What seemed to help was when i uninstalled the cantarell-fonts package. But i really like to use this font and this doesn't seem to be the
normal behaviour. Is there any place where i can configure something about this ?



#2 2015-07-04 21:40:46

Registered: 2014-08-09
Posts: 91

Re: Characters cut off at edge Gnome/GDM with Canatarell font

I've seen the same text cut issue in GDM since 3.16, but I assumed I was the only one seeing it.  Downgrading gnome to 3.14 seemed to fix it for me (at least when I first started seeing it), but that's hardly an ideal solution.


#3 2015-07-05 12:53:16

Registered: 2015-07-04
Posts: 2

Re: Characters cut off at edge Gnome/GDM with Canatarell font

I could fix the cuts in the gdm lock screen (really pissed me off) smile. Downgrading the freetype2 package to version 2.5.3-2 helped. But I still do not have a solution for the problems in the other applications.


#4 2015-07-05 14:09:15

Registered: 2014-05-26
Posts: 69

Re: Characters cut off at edge Gnome/GDM with Canatarell font

I'm seeing the same issue with the gdm lock screen, and wondering whether to experience it you have to have one or both of

(1) gdm using wayland (the current default)
(2) a HiDPI screen

as well as a recent version of freetype2.

Enough is more.


#5 2015-07-05 16:11:03

Registered: 2014-08-09
Posts: 91

Re: Characters cut off at edge Gnome/GDM with Canatarell font

My screen is not particularly High DPI (1080p 24 inch), so I don't think that's a requirement.  I'm pretty sure my GDM session is failing to the X11 fallback because I use the nvidia proprietary driver, but I'll try explicitly disabling wayland and see if that changes anything.

Last edited by mwillems (2015-07-05 16:11:27)


#6 2015-07-08 01:55:41

Registered: 2013-06-13
Posts: 7

Re: Characters cut off at edge Gnome/GDM with Canatarell font

I'm experiencing this in GDM as well on nearly all my systems regardless of radeon/nvidia driver and it was driving me crazy enough to find this thread tongue Thanks for the tip on the freetype2 package downgrade, that did the trick.


#7 2015-07-13 15:55:20

Registered: 2014-05-26
Posts: 69

Re: Characters cut off at edge Gnome/GDM with Canatarell font

I was seeing characters cut off at vertical edges in the GDM lock screen and squinky font rendering in qt5 apps, e.g., razor-thin capital I (as in Italy).

Seemed to happen with the upgrade to the current (2.6-1) version of freetype2. Downgrading to the previous 2.5.5-1 appears to have fixed everything for me.

Enough is more.


#8 2015-07-30 13:02:41

Registered: 2009-05-04
Posts: 11

Re: Characters cut off at edge Gnome/GDM with Canatarell font

This bug was fixed a few days ago in this commit … c45b4140de and documented in this commit … 9e6f940194.

We just need to wait for release 2.6.1 now.

I just cloned, built, and overwrote /usr/lib/ Everything looks good.

Last edited by mack (2015-07-30 13:17:39)


#9 2015-09-06 03:25:36

Registered: 2013-08-24
Posts: 12

Re: Characters cut off at edge Gnome/GDM with Canatarell font

I have the same problem that stevijo has described with the Java IDE but I'm using Infinality. How I can fix it?

Last edited by rokemaster (2015-09-06 03:31:23)


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