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Resizing the Xterm window causes the text of previous commands to be erased especially when the window is made smaller and then larger again.
Is there a way to eliminate this issue or is it beyond the scope of Xterm's features?
I found this related question ( … ves-output ) that leds me to think that Xterm doesn't let you change that. As a novice I am forced to ask what is the advantage of using Xterm instead of any other terminal emulator? I always found Xterm a bit awkward to use.
Last edited by edmeme (2015-06-16 23:28:06)
I think Xterm is just brilliant in terms of size and usability. Except for this one issue in cases where the window is resized.
I would still be keen to know of any other VT suggestions though.
rxvt-unicode is a favorite among a majority of archers. Try it out, I suspect you'll see why. It's a lot like xterm, but a bit leaner, and (IMHO) much more reliable. I doubt you'd have this issue with urxvt.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I doubt you'd have this issue with urxvt.
Unfortunately, as a urxvt-user, I cannot confirm that it is entirely free of bugs (see also: I was subscribed to this topic because I hoped that the solution to this problem may perhaps give a hint on the urxvt problem.
But otherwise, I agree with Trilby - it has some nice features like the possibility to write your own extensions in perl.
Ah, perhaps - I don't see this issue, but maybe it has less to do with the terminal itself as what is running in it. I get normal (re)wrapping of lines when I resize urxvt with tmux running. (edit: just tested without tmux in urxvt, and it works fine too).
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Native rxvt or urxvt also has this issue.
@Trilby, but then you use it conjunction with tmux. Well then tmux mitigates the issue and I might as well use tmux with xterm.
So this is when the command is typed but enter has not been pressed, and the terminal is re-sized yes?
Using i3 and urxvt, floating a terminal window, making the window have less width then current line of text does not automatically wrap the text. If I move the window back to the previous width the text seems to be missing, HOWEVER using the right or left arrow will bring back the missing text with the cursor moved to the end of the line. Using the left/right arrow while the window is too skinny will cause the missing text to be displayed properly wrapped, however after displaying the text wrapped text below the line of the current prompt is not properly cleared when the window is widened to fill the original command on one line again...
Similar result when the window was re-sized automatically by opening another window on the same desktop. The text was simple cutoff, but pressing the right arrow key like in an attempt to scroll over updates the screen and shows the full text wrapped properly.
So it doesn't seem to actually loose the text, but is an issue with it not automatically redrawing or handling the re-size properly until it sees a key press?