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#1 2015-07-11 13:07:55

From: Benevento, Italy
Registered: 2013-10-27
Posts: 776

crtwo2fits - converts CR2 raw files to FITS images

crtwo2fits is an open-source utility written in python for converting Canon™ CR2 raw files into FITS images. It comes with a ready-to-use script and a pure-python module that can be imported and used in other python programs. By default it will try to use dcraw to decode the raw files but it can be also configured to use other decoders[1]. It also integrates a native lossless jpeg Huffman decoder[2] so it can decode CR2 files directly without the need of external programs.

The program has also the ability to read the EXIF and MAKERNOTE metadata stored in the CR2 files and to export them to a python pickable file. The date and time of the shot, if present, is also exported into the FITS file using the DATE-OBS card.

github page:
AUR page:


  1. An external decoder must return the decoded image as PGM data on the standard output

  2. Since the native decoder function is written in pure-python, it's slower compared to other decoders like dcraw

Last edited by mauritiusdadd (2015-07-11 13:09:14)

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-- When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth -- Spock | Sherlock Holmes


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