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I'm trying to use munin for machine monitoring and used pacman to install the official packages. The package version of munin and munin-node is 2.0.25-1. The node setup was quite easy and I use a systemd timer to collect data from my nodes with munin-cron. The munin-update.log is filled with output like:
2015/07/22 17:05:10 [INFO]: Starting munin-update
2015/07/22 17:05:10 [INFO] starting work in 19131 for local-machine/
2015/07/22 17:05:10 [INFO] starting work in 19132 for remote-machine/remote-machine.localdomain:4949.
2015/07/22 17:05:10 [INFO] Reaping Munin::Master::UpdateWorker<local-machine;local-machine>. Exit value/signal: 0/0
2015/07/22 17:05:10 [INFO] Reaping Munin::Master::UpdateWorker<remote-machine;remote-machine>. Exit value/signal: 0/0
2015/07/22 17:05:10 [INFO]: Munin-update finished (0.03 sec)
The munin-master configuration was a little bit of a hassle, since I don't get along with apache very well. But I managed to define a virtual host that is actually loading the cgi scripts shipped with the munin packages. My Apache config:
#Added to enable fastcgi (package mod_fastcgi)
LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/
# Virtual hosts
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
# Munin vhost file
Include conf/extra/munin.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName munin.localdomain
ServerAlias munin
Alias /static /srv/http/munin/static
Alias /munin /srv/http/munin
<Directory "/srv/http/munin/static/">
Options None
Order allow,deny
Require all granted
<IfModule !mod_rewrite.c>
# required because we serve out of the cgi directory ands URLs are relative
Alias /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-html/static /srv/http/munin/static
RedirectMatch ^/$ /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-html/
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
# Rewrite rules to serve traffic from the root instead of /munin-cgi
RewriteEngine On
# Static files
RewriteRule ^/favicon.ico /srv/http/munin/static/favicon.ico [L]
RewriteRule ^/static/(.*) /srv/http/munin/static/$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^(/.*\.html)?$ /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-html/$1 [PT]
# Images
RewriteRule ^/munin-cgi/munin-cgi-graph/(.*) /$1
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/static
RewriteRule ^/(.*.png)$ /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-graph/$1 [L,PT]
# Ensure we can run (fast)cgi scripts
ScriptAlias /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-graph /usr/share/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-graph
<Location /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-graph>
Options +ExecCGI
<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
SetHandler fcgid-script
<IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
SetHandler fastcgi-script
<IfModule !mod_fastcgi.c>
<IfModule !mod_fcgid.c>
SetHandler cgi-script
Require all granted
# Replace above with "Require all granted" if running apache 2.4
ScriptAlias /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-html /usr/share/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-html
<Location /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-html>
Options +ExecCGI
<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
SetHandler fcgid-script
<IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
SetHandler fastcgi-script
<IfModule !mod_fastcgi.c>
<IfModule !mod_fcgid.c>
SetHandler cgi-script
Require all granted
# Replace above with "Require all granted" if running apache 2.4
<IfModule !mod_rewrite.c>
<Location /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-html/static>
# this needs to be at the end to override the above sethandler directives
Options -ExecCGI
SetHandler None
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/munin-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/munin-access.log combined
After these preparations some permission issues persisted on some files when launching httpd but that could be fixed. Now I get the following output in the httpd error_log after starting httpd:
[Wed Jul 22 17:29:37.945965 2015] [lbmethod_heartbeat:notice] [pid 19701:tid 140226263656320] AH02282: No slotmem from mod_heartmonitor
[Wed Jul 22 17:29:37.946347 2015] [:notice] [pid 19702:tid 140226263656320] FastCGI: process manager initialized (pid 19702)
[Wed Jul 22 17:29:37.947030 2015] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 19701:tid 140226263656320] AH00489: Apache/2.4.16 (Unix) mod_fastcgi/mod_fastcgi-SNAP-0910052141 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Jul 22 17:29:37.947051 2015] [core:notice] [pid 19701:tid 140226263656320] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/bin/httpd'
and the following after accessing the webpage:
[Wed Jul 22 17:30:55.114957 2015] [:warn] [pid 19702:tid 140226263656320] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/usr/share/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-html" started (pid 19801)
[Wed Jul 22 17:30:55.625838 2015] [:warn] [pid 19702:tid 140226263656320] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/usr/share/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-html" (pid 19801) terminated by calling exit with status '255'
[Wed Jul 22 17:31:00.626141 2015] [:warn] [pid 19702:tid 140226263656320] FastCGI: (dynamic) server "/usr/share/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-html" restarted (pid 19806)
Apparently the script fails but the log message from the munin-error log is a bit weird:
[Wed Jul 22 17:30:55.623231 2015] [:error] [pid 19707:tid 140226135353088] [client ::1:37200] FastCGI: server "/usr/share/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-html" stderr: [Wed Jul 22 17:30:55 2015] munin-cgi-html: HTML::Template::param() : attempt to set parameter 'groups' with a scalar - parameter is not a TMPL_VAR! at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Munin/Master/ line 695.
I've googled this error but most forum posts are quite some years old and the only bug report I found states that this behavior is a result of a hostname missmatch in the munin.conf when only one host is monitored. Since I got two hosts configured the bugfix doesn't apply. In the script on the reported line I found this code (it's the last line of the quoted section):
TAGLINE => $htmltagline,
GROUPS => $groups,
CSS_NAME => get_css_name(),
R_PATH => ".",
ROOTGROUPS => $htmlconfig->{"groups"},
MUNIN_VERSION => $Munin::Common::Defaults::MUNIN_VERSION,
TIMESTAMP => $timestamp,
NGLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"nglobalcats"},
GLOBALCATS => $htmlconfig->{"globalcats"},
NCRITICAL => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"criticals"}}),
NWARNING => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"warnings"}}),
NUNKNOWN => scalar(@{$htmlconfig->{"problems"}->{"unknowns"}}),
And above that piece of code is a comment stating the possibility of bugs with exactly the same error but without any hint how to fix it:
# FIX: this sometimes bugs:
# HTML::Template::param() : attempt to set parameter 'groups' with
# a scalar - parameter is not a TMPL_VAR! at
# /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Munin/Master/ line 140
Now I would like to know:
- has anybody encountered that error on a fresh install of munin?
- is this a common issue? Are there known fixes?
- should I use a different system monitoring tool?
Thx in advance and sorry for long post.
Last edited by IlikePepsi (2015-07-23 08:59:32)
- has anybody encountered that error on a fresh install of munin?
You do a fresh installation of munin and munin-node and your /etc/munin/munin.conf contains the following parameters:
graph_strategy cgi
html_strategy cgi
- is this a common issue?
The HTML page, which is generated by /usr/share/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-html, shows the alternating behavior on every reload:
The page loads and displays normally
The page does not load. Instead this error is shown:
HTML::Template::param() : attempt to set parameter 'groups' with a scalar - parameter is not a TMPL_VAR! at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Munin/Master/ line 695.
- Are there known fixes?
Edit /usr/share/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-html on line 55 and change the parameter for get_config from one to zero:
$config = get_config(0);